The city says it's seeking documents from five operations in town to figure out if they are legal. The dispensaries refused, in part, on privacy and constitutional grounds.
An Orange County Superior Court judge is expected to rule on Oct. 2 whether to enforce Dana Point's subpoenas for five medical marijuana dispensaries' records as part of a city investigation.
The dispensaries, among other objections to the subpoenas, say the city did not follow proper procedure to issue a subpoena.
The city in July served the subpoenas for records to those operating marijuana dispensaries following a request to amend zoning laws to permit dispensaries, city attorney Patrick Munoz said.
The city does not have a specific ordinance prohibiting medical marijuana dispensaries. But that does not mean the operations are permitted, like many other uses not specifically addressed in municipal codes, said Munoz.
Before making any decision, the council wanted to determine if existing dispensaries are complying with state laws or if they are operating illegally, he said.
The subpoenas followed, but the five dispensaries have not complied.
One of the dispensaries argued that the city's request for records among other reasons violates medical and financial privacy rights of its members, the Fifth Amendment's protection against self incrimination and the Second Amendment protection of freedom of association.
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
The Mainstream Media's 5 Favorite Marijuana Myths
Here are 5 recent stories the mainstream media doesn't want you to know about pot:
1. Marijuana Use Is Not Associated With a Rise in Incidences of Schizophrenia
Over the past few years, the worldwide media, as well as federal officials in the United Kingdom, Canada and the U.S. have earnestly promoted the notion that smoking pot induces mental illness.
Perhaps most notably, in 2007 the MSM reported that cannabis "could boost the risk of developing a psychotic illness later in life by about 40 percent" -- a talking point that was also actively promoted by U.S. anti-drug officials. So, is there any truth to the claim that pot smoking is sparking a dramatic rise in mental illness? Not at all, according to the findings of a study published in July in the journal Schizophrenia Research.
Investigators at the Keele University Medical School in Britain compared trends in marijuana use and incidences of schizophrenia in the United Kingdom from 1996 to 2005. Researchers reported that the "incidence and prevalence of schizophrenia and psychoses were either stable or declining" during this period, even the use of cannabis among the general population was rising.
"[T]he expected rise in diagnoses of schizophrenia and psychoses did not occur over a 10-year period," the authors concluded. "This study does not therefore support the specific causal link between cannabis use and incidence of psychotic disorders. ... This concurs with other reports indicating that increases in population cannabis use have not been followed by increases in psychotic incidence."
As of this writing, a handful of news wire reports in Australia, Canada, and the U.K. have reported on the Keele University study. Notably, no American media outlets covered the story.
2. Marijuana Smoke Doesn't Damage the Lungs Like TobaccoEveryone knows that smoking pot is as damaging, if not more damaging, to the lungs than puffing cigarettes, right? Wrong, according to a team of New Zealand investigators writing in the European Respiratory Journal in August. Researchers at the University of Otago in New Zealand compared the effects of cannabis and tobacco smoke on lung function in over 1,000 adults.
They reported: "Cumulative cannabis use was associated with higher forced vital capacity [the volume of air that can forcibly be blown out after full inspiration], total lung capacity, functional residual capacity [the volume of air present in the lungs at the end of passive expiration] and residual volume.
"Cannabis was also associated with higher airways resistance but not with forced expiratory volume in one second [the maximum volume of air that can be forcibly blown out in the first second during the FVC test], forced expiratory ratio, or transfer factor. These findings were similar amongst those who did not smoke tobacco... By contrast, tobacco use was associated with lower forced expiratory volume in one second, lower forced expiratory ratio, lower transfer factor and higher static lung volumes, but not with airways resistance."
They concluded, "Cannabis appears to have different effects on lung function to those of tobacco." Predictably, the scientists' "inconvenient truth" was not reported in a single media outlet.
3. Cannabis Use Potentially Protects, Rather Than Harms, the Brain
Does smoking pot kill brain cells? Drinking alcohol most certainly does, and many opponents of marijuana-law reform claim that marijuana's adverse effects on the brain are even worse. Are they correct? Not according to recent findings published this summer in the journal Neurotoxicology and Teratology.
Investigators at the University of California at San Diego examined white matter integrity in adolescents with histories of binge drinking and marijuana use. They reported that binge drinkers ( defined as boys who consumed five or more drinks in one sitting, or girls who consumed four or more drinks at one time ) showed signs of white matter damage in eight regions of the brain.
By contrast, the binge drinkers who also used marijuana experienced less damage in 7 out of the 8 brain regions. "Binge drinkers who also use marijuana did not show as consistent a divergence from non-users as did the binge drink-only group," authors concluded. "[It is] possible that marijuana may have some neuroprotective properties in mitigating alcohol-related oxidative stress or excitotoxic cell death."
To date, only a handful of U.S. media outlets -- almost exclusively college newspapers -- have reported the story.
4. Marijuana Is a Terminus, Not a 'Gateway,' to Hard Drug UseAlarmist claims that experimenting with cannabis will inevitably lead to the use of other illicit drugs persist in the media despite statistical data indicating that the overwhelming majority of those who try pot never go on to use cocaine or heroin.
Moreover, recent research is emerging that indicates that pot may also suppress one's desire to use so-called hard drugs. In June, Paris researchers writing in the journal Neuropsychopharmacology concluded that the administration of oral THC in animals suppressed sensitivity to opiate dependence.
Also this summer, investigators at the New York State Psychiatric Institute reported in the American Journal on Addictions that drug-treatment subjects who use cannabis intermittently were more likely to adhere to treatment for opioid dependence.
Although a press release for the former study appeared on the Web site on July 7, neither study ever gained any traction in the mainstream media.
5. Government's Anti-Pot Ads Encourage, Rather Than Discourage, Marijuana Use
Sure, many of us already knew that the federal government's $2 billion ad campaign targeting pot was failing to dissuade viewers from toking up, but who knew it was this bad?
According to a new study posted online in the journal Health Communication, survey data published by investigators at the Annenberg School for Communication at the University of Pennsylvania found that many of the government's public-service announcements actually encouraged pot use.
Researchers assessed the attitudes of over 600 adolescents, age 12 to 18, after viewing 60 government-funded anti-marijuana television spots. Specifically, researchers evaluated whether the presence of marijuana-related imagery in the ads ( e.g., the handling of marijuana cigarettes or the depiction of marijuana-smoking behavior ) were more likely or less likely to discourage viewers' use of cannabis.
Messages that depict teens associating with cannabis are "significantly less effective than others," the researchers found. "This negative impact of marijuana scenes is not reversed in the presence of strong anti-marijuana arguments in the ads and is mainly present for the group of adolescents who are often targets of such anti-marijuana ads ( i.e., high-risk adolescents )," the authors determined. "For this segment of adolescents, including marijuana scenes in anti-marijuana ( public-service announcements ) may not be a good strategy."
1. Marijuana Use Is Not Associated With a Rise in Incidences of Schizophrenia
Over the past few years, the worldwide media, as well as federal officials in the United Kingdom, Canada and the U.S. have earnestly promoted the notion that smoking pot induces mental illness.
Perhaps most notably, in 2007 the MSM reported that cannabis "could boost the risk of developing a psychotic illness later in life by about 40 percent" -- a talking point that was also actively promoted by U.S. anti-drug officials. So, is there any truth to the claim that pot smoking is sparking a dramatic rise in mental illness? Not at all, according to the findings of a study published in July in the journal Schizophrenia Research.
Investigators at the Keele University Medical School in Britain compared trends in marijuana use and incidences of schizophrenia in the United Kingdom from 1996 to 2005. Researchers reported that the "incidence and prevalence of schizophrenia and psychoses were either stable or declining" during this period, even the use of cannabis among the general population was rising.
"[T]he expected rise in diagnoses of schizophrenia and psychoses did not occur over a 10-year period," the authors concluded. "This study does not therefore support the specific causal link between cannabis use and incidence of psychotic disorders. ... This concurs with other reports indicating that increases in population cannabis use have not been followed by increases in psychotic incidence."
As of this writing, a handful of news wire reports in Australia, Canada, and the U.K. have reported on the Keele University study. Notably, no American media outlets covered the story.
2. Marijuana Smoke Doesn't Damage the Lungs Like TobaccoEveryone knows that smoking pot is as damaging, if not more damaging, to the lungs than puffing cigarettes, right? Wrong, according to a team of New Zealand investigators writing in the European Respiratory Journal in August. Researchers at the University of Otago in New Zealand compared the effects of cannabis and tobacco smoke on lung function in over 1,000 adults.
They reported: "Cumulative cannabis use was associated with higher forced vital capacity [the volume of air that can forcibly be blown out after full inspiration], total lung capacity, functional residual capacity [the volume of air present in the lungs at the end of passive expiration] and residual volume.
"Cannabis was also associated with higher airways resistance but not with forced expiratory volume in one second [the maximum volume of air that can be forcibly blown out in the first second during the FVC test], forced expiratory ratio, or transfer factor. These findings were similar amongst those who did not smoke tobacco... By contrast, tobacco use was associated with lower forced expiratory volume in one second, lower forced expiratory ratio, lower transfer factor and higher static lung volumes, but not with airways resistance."
They concluded, "Cannabis appears to have different effects on lung function to those of tobacco." Predictably, the scientists' "inconvenient truth" was not reported in a single media outlet.
3. Cannabis Use Potentially Protects, Rather Than Harms, the Brain
Does smoking pot kill brain cells? Drinking alcohol most certainly does, and many opponents of marijuana-law reform claim that marijuana's adverse effects on the brain are even worse. Are they correct? Not according to recent findings published this summer in the journal Neurotoxicology and Teratology.
Investigators at the University of California at San Diego examined white matter integrity in adolescents with histories of binge drinking and marijuana use. They reported that binge drinkers ( defined as boys who consumed five or more drinks in one sitting, or girls who consumed four or more drinks at one time ) showed signs of white matter damage in eight regions of the brain.
By contrast, the binge drinkers who also used marijuana experienced less damage in 7 out of the 8 brain regions. "Binge drinkers who also use marijuana did not show as consistent a divergence from non-users as did the binge drink-only group," authors concluded. "[It is] possible that marijuana may have some neuroprotective properties in mitigating alcohol-related oxidative stress or excitotoxic cell death."
To date, only a handful of U.S. media outlets -- almost exclusively college newspapers -- have reported the story.
4. Marijuana Is a Terminus, Not a 'Gateway,' to Hard Drug UseAlarmist claims that experimenting with cannabis will inevitably lead to the use of other illicit drugs persist in the media despite statistical data indicating that the overwhelming majority of those who try pot never go on to use cocaine or heroin.
Moreover, recent research is emerging that indicates that pot may also suppress one's desire to use so-called hard drugs. In June, Paris researchers writing in the journal Neuropsychopharmacology concluded that the administration of oral THC in animals suppressed sensitivity to opiate dependence.
Also this summer, investigators at the New York State Psychiatric Institute reported in the American Journal on Addictions that drug-treatment subjects who use cannabis intermittently were more likely to adhere to treatment for opioid dependence.
Although a press release for the former study appeared on the Web site on July 7, neither study ever gained any traction in the mainstream media.
5. Government's Anti-Pot Ads Encourage, Rather Than Discourage, Marijuana Use
Sure, many of us already knew that the federal government's $2 billion ad campaign targeting pot was failing to dissuade viewers from toking up, but who knew it was this bad?
According to a new study posted online in the journal Health Communication, survey data published by investigators at the Annenberg School for Communication at the University of Pennsylvania found that many of the government's public-service announcements actually encouraged pot use.
Researchers assessed the attitudes of over 600 adolescents, age 12 to 18, after viewing 60 government-funded anti-marijuana television spots. Specifically, researchers evaluated whether the presence of marijuana-related imagery in the ads ( e.g., the handling of marijuana cigarettes or the depiction of marijuana-smoking behavior ) were more likely or less likely to discourage viewers' use of cannabis.
Messages that depict teens associating with cannabis are "significantly less effective than others," the researchers found. "This negative impact of marijuana scenes is not reversed in the presence of strong anti-marijuana arguments in the ads and is mainly present for the group of adolescents who are often targets of such anti-marijuana ads ( i.e., high-risk adolescents )," the authors determined. "For this segment of adolescents, including marijuana scenes in anti-marijuana ( public-service announcements ) may not be a good strategy."
Booming Medical Pot Sales Concern Officials
LOS ANGELES — Almost 13 years after California became the first state to allow the sale of marijuana for some medical conditions storefront purveyors of the drug are nearly as easy to find as a taco stand.
Yet police and prosecutors say the law is vague on who can sell pot and in what circumstances. They worry that the state unwittingly created safe havens for drug pushers who are doping the population with immunity.
"They appear to be run by drug dealers who see an opening in the market and a way to make a fast buck," says San Diego district attorney Bonnie Dumanis, who says every pot store her office has looked at is operating illegally.
The tangle of regulations and alleged criminality that has followed in the aftermath of California's first in the nation medical marijuana law is hardly restricted to the Golden State.
Thirteen states, from New England to the Pacific Northwest, have passed laws by ballot or legislative action permitting marijuana possession for some medical reasons even though the drug is illegal under federal law.
Some, like Rhode Island, where a medical marijuana law passed in 2006, officials are still trying to figure out how to set up places where people can buy the drug. In Colorado, which approved medical marijuana sales in 2000, cities are passing moratoriums to halt the blossoming of marijuana stores. New Mexico's lone non-profit licensed to distribute pot is overwhelmed by demand.
In Washington state, a legal dispute rages over whether the law permits people to just grow their own pot or also buy it from dispensaries.
Stewart Richlin, lawyer for more than 150 medical marijuana collectives in Southern California, says states that legalize medical marijuana must accept the commerce that follows.
"Once we acknowledge patients have a right to cannabis, they have to get it somewhere," he says.
The medical marijuana movement was begun by advocates who say pot can provide relief for a wide range of illnesses, from AIDS to arthritis. Why should people suffer when pot can help, they say?
"It's highly effective in certain circumstances," San Diego physician Bob Blake says.
Critics say a law meant to benefit a relatively few number of patients is being exploited by entrepreneurs who are making big money.
Los Angeles Police Lt. Paul Torrence says the department investigated a clinic in the fashionable Venice area that was doing up to $140,000 in sales a month. In San Diego, where authorities this month shut down 14 medical marijuana sellers, Dumanis said at least one was operating on that scale as well, over $700,000 in six months.
City Council members Janice Hahn and Dennis Zine, in proposing Los Angeles tax medical marijuana sales, point to Oakland, where they say four licensed dispensaries had gross sales of $19.6 million in 2008.
Blog Notes: Apparently, this is a bigger business than anyone really anticipated. With these kinds of sales, it is obvious that this industry is on the verge of exploding. Medical Marijuana, Inc. is providing solutions for both the government and the dispensary owner. Their Tax Remittance Card, allows the taxes to be automatically dispersed into a dedicated account for tax remittance. As the industry evolves Medical Marijuana, Inc. intends to be the market leader in providing quick, easy payment solutions.
Yet police and prosecutors say the law is vague on who can sell pot and in what circumstances. They worry that the state unwittingly created safe havens for drug pushers who are doping the population with immunity.
"They appear to be run by drug dealers who see an opening in the market and a way to make a fast buck," says San Diego district attorney Bonnie Dumanis, who says every pot store her office has looked at is operating illegally.
The tangle of regulations and alleged criminality that has followed in the aftermath of California's first in the nation medical marijuana law is hardly restricted to the Golden State.
Thirteen states, from New England to the Pacific Northwest, have passed laws by ballot or legislative action permitting marijuana possession for some medical reasons even though the drug is illegal under federal law.
Some, like Rhode Island, where a medical marijuana law passed in 2006, officials are still trying to figure out how to set up places where people can buy the drug. In Colorado, which approved medical marijuana sales in 2000, cities are passing moratoriums to halt the blossoming of marijuana stores. New Mexico's lone non-profit licensed to distribute pot is overwhelmed by demand.
In Washington state, a legal dispute rages over whether the law permits people to just grow their own pot or also buy it from dispensaries.
Stewart Richlin, lawyer for more than 150 medical marijuana collectives in Southern California, says states that legalize medical marijuana must accept the commerce that follows.
"Once we acknowledge patients have a right to cannabis, they have to get it somewhere," he says.
The medical marijuana movement was begun by advocates who say pot can provide relief for a wide range of illnesses, from AIDS to arthritis. Why should people suffer when pot can help, they say?
"It's highly effective in certain circumstances," San Diego physician Bob Blake says.
Critics say a law meant to benefit a relatively few number of patients is being exploited by entrepreneurs who are making big money.
Los Angeles Police Lt. Paul Torrence says the department investigated a clinic in the fashionable Venice area that was doing up to $140,000 in sales a month. In San Diego, where authorities this month shut down 14 medical marijuana sellers, Dumanis said at least one was operating on that scale as well, over $700,000 in six months.
City Council members Janice Hahn and Dennis Zine, in proposing Los Angeles tax medical marijuana sales, point to Oakland, where they say four licensed dispensaries had gross sales of $19.6 million in 2008.
Blog Notes: Apparently, this is a bigger business than anyone really anticipated. With these kinds of sales, it is obvious that this industry is on the verge of exploding. Medical Marijuana, Inc. is providing solutions for both the government and the dispensary owner. Their Tax Remittance Card, allows the taxes to be automatically dispersed into a dedicated account for tax remittance. As the industry evolves Medical Marijuana, Inc. intends to be the market leader in providing quick, easy payment solutions.
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Pot Advocates Think Legalization Is Nearer
The 38th annual national convention for the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws wraps up today at the downtown Grand Hyatt, and groups of medical marijuana users have been casually passing joints on the outdoor patio. It’s probably what some visitors from Des Moines were afraid would happen when they landed in the marquee city of the Left Coast.
But NORML delegates, basking in the glow of their Barack Obama themed-convention motto - “Yes We Can-nabis” - are convinced this isn’t a fringe issue any more.
“There is no doubt that today, Sept. 25, 2009, is the moment of genuine zeitgeist to decriminalizing marijuana in America,” said Allen St. Pierre, the executive director of NORML. “This conference represents that we are at that tipping point.”
Maybe in the Bay Area, but I doubt voters in conservative Orange County will be thrilled to vote for the Regulate, Control, and Tax Cannabis Act of 2010.
The cannabis act was endorsed Friday by Oakland mayoral candidate and former Senate President Pro Tem Don Perata. Perata was supposed to appear at the conference, but was ill and was not available for comment.
The act would make it lawful for anyone over the age of 21 to “possess, share, or transport not more than one ounce of cannabis.” The act is currently gaining signatures in a petition drive to make the ballot, but it seems more like a first step than a popular vote winner.
The same can be said about State Assemblyman Tom Ammiano’s bill, the Marijuana Control, Regulation, and Education Act, which he says could raise as much as $1 billion. Ammiano insists that even right-wingers will see the benefits of legal pot.
“It’s not the wedge issue it once was,” he said after speaking to hundreds of delegates at the NORML morning session. “When they see that the sales of pot to adults is financing a health clinic, they will see why it will work.”
But NORML delegates, basking in the glow of their Barack Obama themed-convention motto - “Yes We Can-nabis” - are convinced this isn’t a fringe issue any more.
“There is no doubt that today, Sept. 25, 2009, is the moment of genuine zeitgeist to decriminalizing marijuana in America,” said Allen St. Pierre, the executive director of NORML. “This conference represents that we are at that tipping point.”
Maybe in the Bay Area, but I doubt voters in conservative Orange County will be thrilled to vote for the Regulate, Control, and Tax Cannabis Act of 2010.
The cannabis act was endorsed Friday by Oakland mayoral candidate and former Senate President Pro Tem Don Perata. Perata was supposed to appear at the conference, but was ill and was not available for comment.
The act would make it lawful for anyone over the age of 21 to “possess, share, or transport not more than one ounce of cannabis.” The act is currently gaining signatures in a petition drive to make the ballot, but it seems more like a first step than a popular vote winner.
The same can be said about State Assemblyman Tom Ammiano’s bill, the Marijuana Control, Regulation, and Education Act, which he says could raise as much as $1 billion. Ammiano insists that even right-wingers will see the benefits of legal pot.
“It’s not the wedge issue it once was,” he said after speaking to hundreds of delegates at the NORML morning session. “When they see that the sales of pot to adults is financing a health clinic, they will see why it will work.”
Twitter High: California Group Sells Medical Marijuana Online
Artists Collective, a non-profit California medical marijuana delivery service, is now Twittering out its goods, and all it takes to get high is a doctor's note. They've got everything from brownies to blunts and the delivery is free. Rather than whispering "weed" to passersby, the solicitation is like this:
ArtistsCollectve BB Kush, NY Soma, SD Strom, Forrest G, Green C, Baby Crunch, Spy Diesel, buy 1/4 get gram free. Baked goods, Grams, Joints avail.
4:06 PM Jun 29th from web
Dann Halem, 34, started the project about 18 months ago to raise money for California artists, and it's entirely legal, under California's medical marijuana laws. However, the Artists Collective could still be raided at any time by the Federal Drug Enforcement Administration agents. Medical marijuana operations are still technically in violation of federal law, despite being legalized by more than a dozen states.
ArtistsCollectve BB Kush, NY Soma, SD Strom, Forrest G, Green C, Baby Crunch, Spy Diesel, buy 1/4 get gram free. Baked goods, Grams, Joints avail.
4:06 PM Jun 29th from web
Dann Halem, 34, started the project about 18 months ago to raise money for California artists, and it's entirely legal, under California's medical marijuana laws. However, the Artists Collective could still be raided at any time by the Federal Drug Enforcement Administration agents. Medical marijuana operations are still technically in violation of federal law, despite being legalized by more than a dozen states.
A study conducted at the University of California-San Diego discovered that marijuana is not only safer than alcohol, but also protects the brain from damages caused by excessive drinking.
Patrick Stack, director of counseling at Webster University, said any individual has the risk of misusing these types of substances.
"The problem of any type of drug usage originates when a person abuses a drug," Stack said. "As a result of this abuse, the drug has more influence on the person than the person has over him-or herself."
Bruce Mirken, director of communications of the Marijuana Policy Project ( MPP ), said he encourages the legalization of marijuana. MPP is an organization founded in 1995 that advocates regulated use of marijuana in the U.S.
Mirken said marijuana is a less addictive, less toxic and less threatening drug than alcohol.
"According to the Institute of Medicine, 15 percent of people who drink ( it ) become dependent on alcohol," Mirken said. "For marijuana, the figure is 9 percent."
Furthermore, Mirken said marijuana doesn't have the typical effects alcohol has on people.
"Unlike alcohol, marijuana doesn't make people reckless, aggressive and violent," Mirken said.
Not only did Mirken say he believes marijuana is safer than alcohol, he said he also believes it presents great medical value to patients with AIDS, cancer and Multiple Sclerosis.
Patrick Stack, director of counseling at Webster University, said any individual has the risk of misusing these types of substances.
"The problem of any type of drug usage originates when a person abuses a drug," Stack said. "As a result of this abuse, the drug has more influence on the person than the person has over him-or herself."
Bruce Mirken, director of communications of the Marijuana Policy Project ( MPP ), said he encourages the legalization of marijuana. MPP is an organization founded in 1995 that advocates regulated use of marijuana in the U.S.
Mirken said marijuana is a less addictive, less toxic and less threatening drug than alcohol.
"According to the Institute of Medicine, 15 percent of people who drink ( it ) become dependent on alcohol," Mirken said. "For marijuana, the figure is 9 percent."
Furthermore, Mirken said marijuana doesn't have the typical effects alcohol has on people.
"Unlike alcohol, marijuana doesn't make people reckless, aggressive and violent," Mirken said.
Not only did Mirken say he believes marijuana is safer than alcohol, he said he also believes it presents great medical value to patients with AIDS, cancer and Multiple Sclerosis.
WAMMfest: Santa Cruz Medical Marijuana Festival Goes Off Without A Hitch
SANTA CRUZ -- Although smoking was not allowed at the WAMMfest on Saturday due to a planning mix-up, the annual celebration of medical marijuana still filled San Lorenzo Park with hundreds of patients and supporters.
Without an exemption to the city's no-smoking rules in the park, WAMMfest organizers patrolled the park and handed out fliers stating that smoking was not allowed this year. In the past, organizers have set up tents in the park where medical marijuana patients could inhale their medicine.
"What we're trying to do is respect the laws and keep it safe and fun," WAMM board member Suzanne Pfeil said. "We don't want anyone to receive a citation."
Santa Cruz police said they would not increase the number of officers on duty Saturday afternoon for WAMMfest. However, they said those on duty would issue citations if the park's no-smoking rules were not followed.
"Organizers of the event were very respectful and responsive to any inquiries park staff had who were doing their regular patrols of the park," Santa Cruz police Lt. Rick Martinez said. "There was a small smoking tent but it wasn't located on park property. We estimated the crowds to be around 200-300 people. Overall I think it was a success for the organizers."
Without an exemption to the city's no-smoking rules in the park, WAMMfest organizers patrolled the park and handed out fliers stating that smoking was not allowed this year. In the past, organizers have set up tents in the park where medical marijuana patients could inhale their medicine.
"What we're trying to do is respect the laws and keep it safe and fun," WAMM board member Suzanne Pfeil said. "We don't want anyone to receive a citation."
Santa Cruz police said they would not increase the number of officers on duty Saturday afternoon for WAMMfest. However, they said those on duty would issue citations if the park's no-smoking rules were not followed.
"Organizers of the event were very respectful and responsive to any inquiries park staff had who were doing their regular patrols of the park," Santa Cruz police Lt. Rick Martinez said. "There was a small smoking tent but it wasn't located on park property. We estimated the crowds to be around 200-300 people. Overall I think it was a success for the organizers."
420 Times Launches eNewsletter For Medical Marijuana Users
September 29, 2009 -- The 420 Times, Southern California’s leading magazine of medical marijuana and natural healing, has launched the Smoke Signal, its email eNewsletter aimed to benefit users of medicinal marijuana.
The Smoke Signal eNewsletter covers a wide range of content, including the latest news on medical marijuana legislation, coupons for dispensaries and cooperatives, as well as tips and advice regarding medical marijuana use.
“With so much misinformation on the internet, it’s hard to find a reliable resource to keep track of what’s happening in the world of medical marijuana,” notes Brian Lancer, editor of The 420 Times. “We conceived the Smoke Signal eNewsletter as a trustworthy source of the latest medical marijuana news and legislation, things every medical marijuana user should know.”
Also keeping in mind the lingering economic recession, the eNewsletter provides exclusive coupons to save money on medical marijuana. “We understand that the faltering economy has put everyone, including users of medical marijuana, in a financial pinch,” explains Lancer. “That’s why we’ll be including local coupons, offers and upcoming events for medical marijuana dispensaries and cooperatives—we want to give back to our readers.”
Furthermore, people who sign up for the eNewsletter are eligible to win a Volcano™ Vaporizer. The Volcano Vaporizer system is known for being the most technologically advanced professional vaporizer available with its precision air temperature control and reliability.
People interested in the Smoke Signal eNewsletter can sign up at:
The 420 Times reports monthly on the latest legal, medical, and business trends in the emerging field of medical marijuana and natural healing. Focusing primarily on the needs of medical marijuana users in Southern California, The 420 Times and its companion web site,, are also among the most informed sources of information for readers from The High Desert to Long Beach and all of Los Angeles County.
The Smoke Signal eNewsletter covers a wide range of content, including the latest news on medical marijuana legislation, coupons for dispensaries and cooperatives, as well as tips and advice regarding medical marijuana use.
“With so much misinformation on the internet, it’s hard to find a reliable resource to keep track of what’s happening in the world of medical marijuana,” notes Brian Lancer, editor of The 420 Times. “We conceived the Smoke Signal eNewsletter as a trustworthy source of the latest medical marijuana news and legislation, things every medical marijuana user should know.”
Also keeping in mind the lingering economic recession, the eNewsletter provides exclusive coupons to save money on medical marijuana. “We understand that the faltering economy has put everyone, including users of medical marijuana, in a financial pinch,” explains Lancer. “That’s why we’ll be including local coupons, offers and upcoming events for medical marijuana dispensaries and cooperatives—we want to give back to our readers.”
Furthermore, people who sign up for the eNewsletter are eligible to win a Volcano™ Vaporizer. The Volcano Vaporizer system is known for being the most technologically advanced professional vaporizer available with its precision air temperature control and reliability.
People interested in the Smoke Signal eNewsletter can sign up at:
The 420 Times reports monthly on the latest legal, medical, and business trends in the emerging field of medical marijuana and natural healing. Focusing primarily on the needs of medical marijuana users in Southern California, The 420 Times and its companion web site,, are also among the most informed sources of information for readers from The High Desert to Long Beach and all of Los Angeles County.
Feds to seize home of Mara Lynn Williams a medical marijuana patient's widow
Royce Williams used medical marijuana for chronic pain after multiple surgeries. The U.S. attorney's office accused him of growing marijuana on his Chilton County, Alabama land with the intent to sell it. While awaiting the verdict, he commited suicide.They now are attempting to seize his land -- about 40 acres -- and the house where his wife Mara Lynn Williams still lives.
Bruce Perlowin Interview of Medical Marijuana Inc. with Tim Connolly

Bruce Perlowin, CEO of Medical Marijuana Inc.(OTC:MJNA) was interviewed on "Corporate Strategies with Tim Connolly". He discussed the advantages of their tax remittance, stored value card that Medical Marijuana, Inc. is marketing to the medical marijuana industry.
Medical cannabis businesses call for self-regulation
Boulder, CO -- The Boulder County District Attorney's office will attend
a public meeting of a group of cannabis businesses to discuss
self-regulation and developing standards in the medical cannabis industry.
The meeting will take place: Wednesday (9/30)@ 7:30 pm
VFW Meeting Hall - 206 S. Main Street, Longmont, CO
Open to anyone concerned about regulation in the medical cannabis industry.
Larry Hill, owner of the Apothecary, a medical cannabis dispensary in
Longmont, organized the Wednesday meeting. He believes medical cannabis
self-regulation is the best way to ensure that patients have safe,
consistent, access to quality, affordable medicine. "Our standards tend to
be higher than government standards anyway," he says. "Industry
self-regulation will ensure the highest standards of care, which is what
our patients need and deserve. Physicians regulate themselves, and medical
cannabis businesses should do the same."
In August, the Cannabis Therapy Institute formed the Medical Cannabis
Policy Group to develop model legislation that clarifies issues regarding
medical cannabis businesses, including business models, zoning issues,
taxation, patient rights, and economic development potential.
"There is no other medicine that treats as many conditions as effectively
and safely as cannabis does. The communities that encourage research and
development of cannabis medicines will benefit the most from this economic
boom," says Laura Kriho, education director for the Cannabis Therapy
Institute. "If Boulder County were to designate a Cannabis Research Park
zoning district and encourage caregivers to develop the industry in a way
that provides 100% patient security and satisfaction, the economic
potential would be staggering."
a public meeting of a group of cannabis businesses to discuss
self-regulation and developing standards in the medical cannabis industry.
The meeting will take place: Wednesday (9/30)@ 7:30 pm
VFW Meeting Hall - 206 S. Main Street, Longmont, CO
Open to anyone concerned about regulation in the medical cannabis industry.
Larry Hill, owner of the Apothecary, a medical cannabis dispensary in
Longmont, organized the Wednesday meeting. He believes medical cannabis
self-regulation is the best way to ensure that patients have safe,
consistent, access to quality, affordable medicine. "Our standards tend to
be higher than government standards anyway," he says. "Industry
self-regulation will ensure the highest standards of care, which is what
our patients need and deserve. Physicians regulate themselves, and medical
cannabis businesses should do the same."
In August, the Cannabis Therapy Institute formed the Medical Cannabis
Policy Group to develop model legislation that clarifies issues regarding
medical cannabis businesses, including business models, zoning issues,
taxation, patient rights, and economic development potential.
"There is no other medicine that treats as many conditions as effectively
and safely as cannabis does. The communities that encourage research and
development of cannabis medicines will benefit the most from this economic
boom," says Laura Kriho, education director for the Cannabis Therapy
Institute. "If Boulder County were to designate a Cannabis Research Park
zoning district and encourage caregivers to develop the industry in a way
that provides 100% patient security and satisfaction, the economic
potential would be staggering."
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Tell President Obama That Legalizing Marijuana Is No Laughing Matter
Asked this morning whether he "would ... support the bill currently going through the California legislation to legalize and tax marijuana, boosting the economy and reducing drug cartel related violence," the President responded with derision.
"There was one question that was voted on that ranked fairly high and that was whether legalizing marijuana would improve the economy and job creation, and I don't know what this says about the online audience," he laughed.
"The answer is no, I don't think that [is] a good strategy."
Please take a moment to tell the President that marijuana law reform is no laughing matter, and that the millions of Americans who support this issue deserve to be treated respectfully. For your convenience, a pre-written letter will be e-mailed to President Obama when you follow this link and enter your information. The President's phone number is also listed there and you can call to leave him a message.
"There was one question that was voted on that ranked fairly high and that was whether legalizing marijuana would improve the economy and job creation, and I don't know what this says about the online audience," he laughed.
"The answer is no, I don't think that [is] a good strategy."
Please take a moment to tell the President that marijuana law reform is no laughing matter, and that the millions of Americans who support this issue deserve to be treated respectfully. For your convenience, a pre-written letter will be e-mailed to President Obama when you follow this link and enter your information. The President's phone number is also listed there and you can call to leave him a message.
ABC, CBS, Fox Censor Medical Marijuana Ads-but Pharmaceutical Ads are AoK
September 17, 2009 – New York City is the marijuana arrest capital of the world, which makes it harsh terrain for seriously ill patients who rely on medical marijuana for relief. An effort is under way to legalize medical marijuana in New York and remove sick people from the drug war battlefield.
Unfortunately, three of the biggest TV stations in New York City don’t want you to know about it. ABC, FOX, and CBS affiliates all refused to run ads in support of protecting medical marijuana patients. This is the message they don’t want you to hear:
Kevin Smith, M.D., of Saugerties, who appears in the second spot and who suffers severe pain from a genetic disorder known as ankylosing spondilitis, was angered by the stations’ rejection of the ads. “As a patient whose well-being would be dramatically improved by the medical marijuana bill, I am appalled that these TV stations won’t even let us tell our stories to their viewers,” Smith said. “These stations are out of touch with the public, 76 percent of whom support protecting patients.”
These are seriously ill patients fighting for compassion and equality. To silence them is an act of appalling cruelty and ignorance. Whatever petty political considerations might motivate these TV stations to censor the medical marijuana debate are trivial compared to the real human suffering that will continue if patients are denied the opportunity to speak up.
Medical marijuana is supported by 76% of New Yorkers, so to suggest that there’s anything inherently offensive about airing that viewpoint is just pure fiction. According to MPP’s Bruce Mirken, CBS stated that they rejected the ad because they’re “concerned about viewer reaction.” Really, CBS? Is there anything objectionable about the idea of not arresting people with auto-immune disease? The most likely “viewer reaction” is that people will agree to support legislation that protects patients from arrest.
Please help us show these TV stations that their censorship is what’s offensive, not the effort to protect seriously ill patients. Click to contact ABC, FOX, and CBS and let them know that silencing patients is both politically and morally wrong.
click on title for full story...
Unfortunately, three of the biggest TV stations in New York City don’t want you to know about it. ABC, FOX, and CBS affiliates all refused to run ads in support of protecting medical marijuana patients. This is the message they don’t want you to hear:
Kevin Smith, M.D., of Saugerties, who appears in the second spot and who suffers severe pain from a genetic disorder known as ankylosing spondilitis, was angered by the stations’ rejection of the ads. “As a patient whose well-being would be dramatically improved by the medical marijuana bill, I am appalled that these TV stations won’t even let us tell our stories to their viewers,” Smith said. “These stations are out of touch with the public, 76 percent of whom support protecting patients.”
These are seriously ill patients fighting for compassion and equality. To silence them is an act of appalling cruelty and ignorance. Whatever petty political considerations might motivate these TV stations to censor the medical marijuana debate are trivial compared to the real human suffering that will continue if patients are denied the opportunity to speak up.
Medical marijuana is supported by 76% of New Yorkers, so to suggest that there’s anything inherently offensive about airing that viewpoint is just pure fiction. According to MPP’s Bruce Mirken, CBS stated that they rejected the ad because they’re “concerned about viewer reaction.” Really, CBS? Is there anything objectionable about the idea of not arresting people with auto-immune disease? The most likely “viewer reaction” is that people will agree to support legislation that protects patients from arrest.
Please help us show these TV stations that their censorship is what’s offensive, not the effort to protect seriously ill patients. Click to contact ABC, FOX, and CBS and let them know that silencing patients is both politically and morally wrong.
click on title for full story...
Cannabis Featured in Fortune Magazine

Dr. Phil Leveque (MOLALLA, Ore.)
Fortune Magazine, certainly one of the most prominent high class magazines, published the article How marijuana became legal on September 15, 2009.
The story is a far cry from muggles[1] and potheads to this magazine article written by Roger Parloff, an admitted pot smoker of some thirty years ago (and today also).
He did his work well but I give him a B minus (I’m a retired Professor of Pharmacology and Toxicology with 50 years of Cannabis research and some 4000 medical marijuana patients).
His article should be devastating to the Federal lying bureaucrats but they are hardshell liars and will shrug off the facts.
Author Parloff made some significant omissions in his article but interviewing Irv Rosenfeld, Dr. Grinspoon, Allen St. Pierre of NORML, and Stephen DeAngelo (of the $20million a year Marijuana dispensary in Oakland) was truly a Tour de Force.
His biggest mistake was not referring to Dr. Tod Mikuriya’s [2] book Marijuana Medical Papers 1839 – 1972.
He relates ALL of Eli Lilly’s Cannabis medicine history, referring to Jack Herer’s encyclopedic Cannabis book The Emperor Wears No Clothes, and a short schrift of O’Shaugnessy, the current best Pharmacology and Therapeutic reference magazine, establishing Cannabis/Marijuana as an excellent medicine.
Parloff also overlooked Granny Storm Crow's outstanding reference of ALL of the medical conditions for which Cannabis/Marijuana is useful or even lifesaving.
He still puts Marinol, a very poor substitute for the real thing, as a Schedule II drug. Surprise, it is Schedule III – a glaring error.
He also minimizes the use of vaporizers while giving free advertising to the most expensive one. Good vaporizers can be bought for less than $200.
One thing in Parloff's favor; he does quote DEA Administrative Judge Francis Young's statement, “Marijuana is one of the safest therapeutically active substances known to man” - while castigating John C. Lawn, Administrator of the DEA, who reversed Judge Young's decision.
I guess Mr. Lawn was a patron of the cheap liquor stores in Washington D.C.
Don’t get me wrong, this Fortune article about Legal Cannabis/Marijuana is good-- but it is not as good as it could be.
Click on title for link....
Thursday, September 17, 2009
NORML's 38th Annual National Conference
.jpg)
The 2009 NORML Conference will be held Thursday, September 24 through Saturday, September 26 at the Grand Hyatt in San Francisco, CA. Join NORML's staff and Board of Directors – and over 500 policy activists, medical patients, cultivators, doctors, politicians, and clinical investigators – as we congregate and celebrate in one of America's most 'cannabis friendly' cities.
drug policy reform,
Marijuana Policy Project,
Medical marijuana program may need revision if shortage goes on
ALBUQUERQUE – The New Mexico medical marijuana program, whose sole provider recently sold out of the drug, may need to be revised if patients can’t be guaranteed access to their medicine, critics say.
The state allows patients to grow their own supply of medical marijuana, but it prohibits caregivers from doing it for patients who may be too sick to do so. And that’s a flaw in New Mexico’s law, said Tamar Todd, staff attorney with the Washington D.C.-based Drug Policy Alliance.
Of the 504 approved medical marijuana patients in New Mexico, 109 have a license to produce their own plants, but the other 395 patients are reliant on one state-licensed nonprofit to provide their medicine, and that nonprofit—the Santa Fe Institute for Natural Medicine–is limited to growing 95 plants.
Moreover, as NMI reported last week, the nonprofit ran out of its product within weeks after finally announcing it had some ready for sale in August.
“It seems as of right now, there are a significant number of patients who aren’t growing their own and can’t obtain it from any legal source. The intent of the law isn’t for them to have to rely on the black market,” Todd said.
Click on title for full story.........
The state allows patients to grow their own supply of medical marijuana, but it prohibits caregivers from doing it for patients who may be too sick to do so. And that’s a flaw in New Mexico’s law, said Tamar Todd, staff attorney with the Washington D.C.-based Drug Policy Alliance.
Of the 504 approved medical marijuana patients in New Mexico, 109 have a license to produce their own plants, but the other 395 patients are reliant on one state-licensed nonprofit to provide their medicine, and that nonprofit—the Santa Fe Institute for Natural Medicine–is limited to growing 95 plants.
Moreover, as NMI reported last week, the nonprofit ran out of its product within weeks after finally announcing it had some ready for sale in August.
“It seems as of right now, there are a significant number of patients who aren’t growing their own and can’t obtain it from any legal source. The intent of the law isn’t for them to have to rely on the black market,” Todd said.
Click on title for full story.........
Open Letter to San Diego DA
To read the entire letter, click on the title.....
This letter was sent to the San Diego DA, after the comments and raids on medical marijuana dispensaries. It addresses the many mistakes and misquotes made by Bonnie M. Dumanis and her office.
This letter was sent to the San Diego DA, after the comments and raids on medical marijuana dispensaries. It addresses the many mistakes and misquotes made by Bonnie M. Dumanis and her office.
The tax heard round the world
Since the passage of Oakland's Measure F, which taxes medical marijuana the same as alcohol, the media has been in a feeding frenzy. Articles gushing over the revenue potential of marijuana have appeared in Time, The Atlantic, The San Francisco Chronicle, The New York Times, The Los Angeles Times, The Economist, and Forbes.
Notably absent from this blitz is any criticism of the taxation of medicine. And there is some, by some of the most notable voices in the medical marijuana movement, such as Ed Rosenthal and Dennis Peron.
Click on the title to read the quotes from these people.
Notes from the writer of this blog:
In looking at what we determine to be medicine, I think there are two categories here. One is the medical industry, including pharmaceuticals, which it not taxable under current laws; and the other is alternative medicine, which includes, herbs, vitamins, homeopathy and other over the counter medicine, which is taxable. For those who choose the more natural and alternative direction, we are taxed on this "medicine". So if medical marijuana is categorized as alternative, then it is liable to taxes the same as herbs and vitamins. If this is the case, then marijuana should be changed from the Schedule 1 drug that is it currently listed under. If it is categorized as a "pharmaceutical medicine", then under the current laws, it should not be taxed.
In addition to the comments regarding taxes, the author of this article has yet again mentioned Bruce Perlowin and his company Medical Marijuana, Inc. The author seems to have taken the tax remittance aspect of the payment system out of context, inferring that MMI is making money off of the taxes, which it can not do. The tax remittance feature only allows dispensaries to be more transparent and in compliance with the CURRENT LAWS. There are many more features and benefits of the card, for example, eliminating the cash transactions which put both the dispensary and client at risk for theft. Other important information may be stored on the card, as well.
To set the record straight, Medical Marijuana, Inc. does not promote that medical marijuana should be taxed, but is a solutions oriented company that offers a simple way for dispensaries to monitor their sales and easily comply with the tax remittance laws.
Notably absent from this blitz is any criticism of the taxation of medicine. And there is some, by some of the most notable voices in the medical marijuana movement, such as Ed Rosenthal and Dennis Peron.
Click on the title to read the quotes from these people.
Notes from the writer of this blog:
In looking at what we determine to be medicine, I think there are two categories here. One is the medical industry, including pharmaceuticals, which it not taxable under current laws; and the other is alternative medicine, which includes, herbs, vitamins, homeopathy and other over the counter medicine, which is taxable. For those who choose the more natural and alternative direction, we are taxed on this "medicine". So if medical marijuana is categorized as alternative, then it is liable to taxes the same as herbs and vitamins. If this is the case, then marijuana should be changed from the Schedule 1 drug that is it currently listed under. If it is categorized as a "pharmaceutical medicine", then under the current laws, it should not be taxed.
In addition to the comments regarding taxes, the author of this article has yet again mentioned Bruce Perlowin and his company Medical Marijuana, Inc. The author seems to have taken the tax remittance aspect of the payment system out of context, inferring that MMI is making money off of the taxes, which it can not do. The tax remittance feature only allows dispensaries to be more transparent and in compliance with the CURRENT LAWS. There are many more features and benefits of the card, for example, eliminating the cash transactions which put both the dispensary and client at risk for theft. Other important information may be stored on the card, as well.
To set the record straight, Medical Marijuana, Inc. does not promote that medical marijuana should be taxed, but is a solutions oriented company that offers a simple way for dispensaries to monitor their sales and easily comply with the tax remittance laws.
Cannabis: Is medical marijuana a worthwhile stock market investment?
In recent article published on Cannazine, the differences between the British and the US mindset towards the legalization of Medical Marijuana were observed. The article also looks at several companies that have gone public. One of the companies mentioned, is run by Bruce Perlowin, the King of Pot.
Perlowin's new company Medical Marijuana, Inc., is the first company to go public in this industry (OTC: MJNA). The company offers medical dispensaries and collectives an electronic payment card, which the clients use to buy their cannabis from the dispensary.
This creates a system which the IRS (or even the FBI) can plug into at any time to keep a check on exactly how much trade a dispensary is carrying out, showing the authorities that the dispensary owner wishes to do everything in his power to comply with state laws regarding medical marijuana.
After a slow start it was announced recently that Medical Marijauan Inc. has signed up 5 more dispensaries for a total of 28 to date, in the US and Canada. Like any new idea it takes a little time to catch the imagination. But Medical Marijuana Inc. is well on their way and it would be a foolish person who was to bet against Bruce Perlowin creating another $100 million dollar marijuana business.
Share Price
Following a 1 for 10 forward split of its stock, Medical Marijuana's share price dropped from over $1.00 down to $0.25 cents.
What that means is the company wanted to generate some new stock, and to do so it takes one share worth $1.00 dollar, and turns it into 10 shares worth $0.10 cents each. Generating a whole bunch of new stock, albeit at a lower price. But the value remains in the company all the same.
Over the last 4 months the stock price has fluctuated from a high of almost $0.70 to a low of around $0.28. As we go to press today the price stands at around $0.38 cents, but knowing Bruce Perlowin and his track record this is not a reason to think this stock won't succeed even if it does rollercoaster every now and then.
Cannabis? Get on it, regardless of what the British government tells us about how dangerous it is. The truth is 25 million American citizens who have legal access to medical marijuana know otherwise, and it can only be a matter of time before the UK comes up with its own version of a national medical cannabis operation. Maybe not this year or next, but its sure to happen, just as sure as politicians will help themselves to public money.
Click on title for full story......
Perlowin's new company Medical Marijuana, Inc., is the first company to go public in this industry (OTC: MJNA). The company offers medical dispensaries and collectives an electronic payment card, which the clients use to buy their cannabis from the dispensary.
This creates a system which the IRS (or even the FBI) can plug into at any time to keep a check on exactly how much trade a dispensary is carrying out, showing the authorities that the dispensary owner wishes to do everything in his power to comply with state laws regarding medical marijuana.
After a slow start it was announced recently that Medical Marijauan Inc. has signed up 5 more dispensaries for a total of 28 to date, in the US and Canada. Like any new idea it takes a little time to catch the imagination. But Medical Marijuana Inc. is well on their way and it would be a foolish person who was to bet against Bruce Perlowin creating another $100 million dollar marijuana business.
Share Price
Following a 1 for 10 forward split of its stock, Medical Marijuana's share price dropped from over $1.00 down to $0.25 cents.
What that means is the company wanted to generate some new stock, and to do so it takes one share worth $1.00 dollar, and turns it into 10 shares worth $0.10 cents each. Generating a whole bunch of new stock, albeit at a lower price. But the value remains in the company all the same.
Over the last 4 months the stock price has fluctuated from a high of almost $0.70 to a low of around $0.28. As we go to press today the price stands at around $0.38 cents, but knowing Bruce Perlowin and his track record this is not a reason to think this stock won't succeed even if it does rollercoaster every now and then.
Cannabis? Get on it, regardless of what the British government tells us about how dangerous it is. The truth is 25 million American citizens who have legal access to medical marijuana know otherwise, and it can only be a matter of time before the UK comes up with its own version of a national medical cannabis operation. Maybe not this year or next, but its sure to happen, just as sure as politicians will help themselves to public money.
Click on title for full story......
Dennis Peron sacked by Oaksterdamn U for opposing marijuana tax
Dennis Peron announced on Tuesday 15 Sep 09 that he returned from Burning Man to discover he had been fired from Oaksterdamn U because of his opposition to taxing and regulating medical marijuana.
Oaksterdamn U has announced it intends to spend a million dollars to promote an initiative that would tax, regulate and control marijuana by city and county, as well as at the state level.
Peron has been hailed as the father of the medical marijuana movement and was the guiding force and co-author of California's Proposition 215.
He became a marijuana dealer after returning from Viet Nam to San Francisco in 1969 and through the 70s he ran the Big Top marijuana supermarket from his home.
Oaksterdamn U has announced it intends to spend a million dollars to promote an initiative that would tax, regulate and control marijuana by city and county, as well as at the state level.
Peron has been hailed as the father of the medical marijuana movement and was the guiding force and co-author of California's Proposition 215.
He became a marijuana dealer after returning from Viet Nam to San Francisco in 1969 and through the 70s he ran the Big Top marijuana supermarket from his home.
Groups Running Medical Marijuana Ads
The Marijuana Policy Project (MPP) and New Yorkers for Compassionate Care are running ads in New York to push a medical marijuana bill sponsored by Assembly Health Committee Chairman Richard Gottfried, D-Manhattan, and Senate Health Committee Chairman Thomas Duane, D-Manhattan.
The group said the ad is running on WNBC in New York City and on cable outlets around the state, including the New York City, Buffalo, Rochester and the Hudson Valley.
The group said other major networks refused to run the ads. One ad features Conservative Party member Joel Peacock of Buffalo, who suffers from chronic pain after a serious accident. The other includes Saugerties doctor Kevin Smith, who suffers severe pain from a genetic disorder known as ankylosing spondilitis.
You can see the ads here
The group said the ad is running on WNBC in New York City and on cable outlets around the state, including the New York City, Buffalo, Rochester and the Hudson Valley.
The group said other major networks refused to run the ads. One ad features Conservative Party member Joel Peacock of Buffalo, who suffers from chronic pain after a serious accident. The other includes Saugerties doctor Kevin Smith, who suffers severe pain from a genetic disorder known as ankylosing spondilitis.
You can see the ads here
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
By Johnny Harpter (Fourth-year marketing student)
South Carolina
Prisoners charged with possession should face alternate punishment that doesn't charge taxpayers
According to the Bureau of Justice Statistics, 12.4 percent of federal inmates are serving for marijuana related charges. For the conservatives who are so ardent about supporting Joe-taxpayer but at the same time want to crack down on marijuana users, it seems a bit hypocritical. Luckily, not a lot of voters go that far in the thinking process when casting their ballot.
They've been programmed to think taxes, marijuana, gay marriage and France are all evil. It isn't just conservatives who should take a closer look at the issue, however. According to the latest Gallup poll concerning how many Americans support marijuana legalization in 2005, 60 percent of Americans were in favor of continued illegalization. 77 percent of conservatives and 60 percent of moderates are against legalization while 36 percent of moderates and 54 percent of liberals in favor of legalization. Keep in mind, though, this is not decriminalization, but legalization.
Marijuana has been branded with a stigma we have yet to shake. Compared with the legal drugs available over the counter, it would boggle an outsiders mind as to why alcohol is readily available while marijuana can come with jail time, yet the U.S. is spending $42 billion a year to crack down on this plant. Think of all the good you could do with that much money as far as funding education, cancer research or lowering taxes.
I think the biggest mistake people on this side of the argument make is pushing for marijuana to be legal, which scares the other side off before even hearing their points.
There needs to be a collected, sincere political movement first for a decriminalization of the drugs, something with actual plans for dealing with the offenders in a way that doesn't cost Americans more money.
Instead of prison service, I would have no problem seeing marijuana users punished in a way that suits the crime. Why not have them plant trees? These adopt-a-highway programs are nice for local groups wanting to get some free publicity and feel good about themselves, but how about making marijuana users clean up the litter on the side of the roads. The roads would be cleaner, because people like their weed, and they could clean it more often. If taxpayers are going to pay for these "criminals" anyway, they might as well see something good come out of it. Community service seems like a logical way to deal with marijuana users.
These are just a few points about how to deal with the war on marijuana. If you are serious about getting some change or want to know more, then you should really educate yourself on the issues.
All it takes is a couple Google searches and you'll pick up official government statistics and tax-spending and organizational Web sites for marijuana reform like NORML. Remember, you don't have to be a marijuana user to see the damage it does to your wallet.
Click title for story link....
South Carolina
Prisoners charged with possession should face alternate punishment that doesn't charge taxpayers
According to the Bureau of Justice Statistics, 12.4 percent of federal inmates are serving for marijuana related charges. For the conservatives who are so ardent about supporting Joe-taxpayer but at the same time want to crack down on marijuana users, it seems a bit hypocritical. Luckily, not a lot of voters go that far in the thinking process when casting their ballot.
They've been programmed to think taxes, marijuana, gay marriage and France are all evil. It isn't just conservatives who should take a closer look at the issue, however. According to the latest Gallup poll concerning how many Americans support marijuana legalization in 2005, 60 percent of Americans were in favor of continued illegalization. 77 percent of conservatives and 60 percent of moderates are against legalization while 36 percent of moderates and 54 percent of liberals in favor of legalization. Keep in mind, though, this is not decriminalization, but legalization.
Marijuana has been branded with a stigma we have yet to shake. Compared with the legal drugs available over the counter, it would boggle an outsiders mind as to why alcohol is readily available while marijuana can come with jail time, yet the U.S. is spending $42 billion a year to crack down on this plant. Think of all the good you could do with that much money as far as funding education, cancer research or lowering taxes.
I think the biggest mistake people on this side of the argument make is pushing for marijuana to be legal, which scares the other side off before even hearing their points.
There needs to be a collected, sincere political movement first for a decriminalization of the drugs, something with actual plans for dealing with the offenders in a way that doesn't cost Americans more money.
Instead of prison service, I would have no problem seeing marijuana users punished in a way that suits the crime. Why not have them plant trees? These adopt-a-highway programs are nice for local groups wanting to get some free publicity and feel good about themselves, but how about making marijuana users clean up the litter on the side of the roads. The roads would be cleaner, because people like their weed, and they could clean it more often. If taxpayers are going to pay for these "criminals" anyway, they might as well see something good come out of it. Community service seems like a logical way to deal with marijuana users.
These are just a few points about how to deal with the war on marijuana. If you are serious about getting some change or want to know more, then you should really educate yourself on the issues.
All it takes is a couple Google searches and you'll pick up official government statistics and tax-spending and organizational Web sites for marijuana reform like NORML. Remember, you don't have to be a marijuana user to see the damage it does to your wallet.
Click title for story link....
Netherlands: Dutch Lawmakers May Limit Coffee-Shop Access
The Hague, Netherlands: Dutch Ministers are contemplating legislation to impose restrictions on who may legally visit and purchase cannabis at licensed 'coffee-shops,' according to a memorandum leaked to several international media sources on Wednesday.
According to the memo, Dutch lawmakers may introduce legislation that would limit access to the shops to 'members-only' Dutch citizens. Such 'members-only' restrictions are scheduled to begin on a trial basis this fall in the border city of Maastricht.
A legislative committee recommended in July that Dutch 'coffee-shops' begin catering to 'locals only.'
Under Dutch law, licensed business establishments may sell up to 5 grams of cannabis to patrons age 18 years or older. Proposed amendments to the law may limit future sales to 3 grams.
Click title to see full story....
According to the memo, Dutch lawmakers may introduce legislation that would limit access to the shops to 'members-only' Dutch citizens. Such 'members-only' restrictions are scheduled to begin on a trial basis this fall in the border city of Maastricht.
A legislative committee recommended in July that Dutch 'coffee-shops' begin catering to 'locals only.'
Under Dutch law, licensed business establishments may sell up to 5 grams of cannabis to patrons age 18 years or older. Proposed amendments to the law may limit future sales to 3 grams.
Click title to see full story....
When the federal Department of Health and Human Services recently issued a request for proposals, seeking competitive applications for the production, analysis and distribution of "marijuana cigarettes," the request might have seemed a bit unusual to those unfamiliar with Washington's dance around cannabis research. The federal government, after all, is not widely known to support marijuana cultivation.
But those in the know just shrugged. The department has issued similar requests every few years to select a contractor to conduct government-approved marijuana research, and with depressing regularity it has then awarded an exclusive contract to the University of Mississippi. For 40 years now, Washington has sought such "competitive applications" and Mississippi "wins" every time.
Even if the university were running a perfect program, one institution cannot fulfill the country's research needs. In February 2007, when Administrative Law Judge Mary Ellen Bittner recommended that the Drug Enforcement Administration grant a license to cultivate marijuana for research purposes to a botanist at the University of Massachusetts, she said she had concluded that the supply of marijuana from the University of Mississippi program was of insufficient quality and quantity for research purposes.
The deadline for this latest round of applications is Oct. 9. The government should take the opportunity to break the University of Mississippi's monopoly and choose a different institution. That step alone would be a sign that the Obama administration will prioritize science over politics. Merely shifting the contract from one institution to another, however, won't change the status quo. That will only happen when the federal government changes policy and awards multiple contracts for this important research.
For full Story click on title....
But those in the know just shrugged. The department has issued similar requests every few years to select a contractor to conduct government-approved marijuana research, and with depressing regularity it has then awarded an exclusive contract to the University of Mississippi. For 40 years now, Washington has sought such "competitive applications" and Mississippi "wins" every time.
Even if the university were running a perfect program, one institution cannot fulfill the country's research needs. In February 2007, when Administrative Law Judge Mary Ellen Bittner recommended that the Drug Enforcement Administration grant a license to cultivate marijuana for research purposes to a botanist at the University of Massachusetts, she said she had concluded that the supply of marijuana from the University of Mississippi program was of insufficient quality and quantity for research purposes.
The deadline for this latest round of applications is Oct. 9. The government should take the opportunity to break the University of Mississippi's monopoly and choose a different institution. That step alone would be a sign that the Obama administration will prioritize science over politics. Merely shifting the contract from one institution to another, however, won't change the status quo. That will only happen when the federal government changes policy and awards multiple contracts for this important research.
For full Story click on title....
California Insurance Agents Cater to Medical Marijuana Clinics
Ever since President Barak Obama came into office and his attorney general said the administration would not pursue medical marijuana dispensaries, the number of such businesses has exploded.
Now, a few insurance agents are catering to them.
Medical marijuana "is a huge, huge business," says Rich Pitto, a broker at Hayes Insurance Agency, El Sobrante, Calif. "There's a lot of Johnnies-come-lately. It's actually getting somewhat ridiculous."
Pitto, who has been writing policies for medical marijuana dispensaries for 14 years and whose agency advertises to marijuana businesses, says that at least three dispensaries in California have revenues of over $20 million a year and hundreds of employees.
Estimates are that California now has at least 1,000 medical marijuana dispensaries, many of which have opened up in recent months. In fact, a number of cities, worried about these businesses popping up with the fecundity of Starbucks outlets, have imposed a moratorium on new ones until they can investigate what limitations might need to be imposed and what requirements they might have. Those cities include Sacramento and Oakland.
Click on title for full story....
Now, a few insurance agents are catering to them.
Medical marijuana "is a huge, huge business," says Rich Pitto, a broker at Hayes Insurance Agency, El Sobrante, Calif. "There's a lot of Johnnies-come-lately. It's actually getting somewhat ridiculous."
Pitto, who has been writing policies for medical marijuana dispensaries for 14 years and whose agency advertises to marijuana businesses, says that at least three dispensaries in California have revenues of over $20 million a year and hundreds of employees.
Estimates are that California now has at least 1,000 medical marijuana dispensaries, many of which have opened up in recent months. In fact, a number of cities, worried about these businesses popping up with the fecundity of Starbucks outlets, have imposed a moratorium on new ones until they can investigate what limitations might need to be imposed and what requirements they might have. Those cities include Sacramento and Oakland.
Click on title for full story....
NY Times Reports Cannabis Quietly Spreading in TV
LOS ANGELES — Tips for cultivating marijuana. Testimonials by patients about its medical benefits. Cannabis cooking lessons. Even citations for award-winning strains of pot. Viewers here can now watch, every week, what amounts to a pro-weed news program.
Booted off one skittish TV station but quickly picked up by another, the low-budget “Cannabis Planet” show is televised evidence of how entrenched marijuana has become in California’s cultural firmament and a potent example of the way the pot subculture has been edging into the national mainstream.
“We’re trying to show the legitimacy of this plant,” said Brad Lane, the executive producer of the half-hour program.
Mr. Lane pays for the twice-weekly air time on the independent station KJLA — Thursday and Saturday nights at 11:30, sandwiched between “Bikini Beach” and “Jewelry Central” — and says he is now breaking even, almost two months after the show’s premiere. “Cannabis Planet” focuses on medical, agricultural and industrial uses of the hemp plant, purposely ignoring marijuana’s recreational aspects. Viewers, for instance, see very little actual smoking, even though the hosts and producers are known to inhale between takes. “We’re walking on eggshells here, to be honest,” Mr. Lane said.
Still, “Cannabis Planet” remains on the air — with not a single complaint from viewers, according to the station. “It’s really blown up,” said Jay Peterson, a production executive at Original Productions, which is working with Blue Dream Media to create a reality show set at a pot collective, or distribution center, in Hollywood. The show, “Top Bud,” is envisioned as a cross between “LA Ink,” the TLC show produced by Original about a lively tattoo parlor, and “Weeds,” the Showtime hit drama about a dope-dealing mother of two.
“While the drug is illegal in most states, the idea is to show that there’s a world somewhere where it’s legal, and where people are doing this,” Mr. Peterson said.
The producers are now trying to sell “Top Bud” to networks. Mr. Peterson acknowledged there was some hesitancy at first but said his company already had “solid interest.”
Click on title for full story.....
Booted off one skittish TV station but quickly picked up by another, the low-budget “Cannabis Planet” show is televised evidence of how entrenched marijuana has become in California’s cultural firmament and a potent example of the way the pot subculture has been edging into the national mainstream.
“We’re trying to show the legitimacy of this plant,” said Brad Lane, the executive producer of the half-hour program.
Mr. Lane pays for the twice-weekly air time on the independent station KJLA — Thursday and Saturday nights at 11:30, sandwiched between “Bikini Beach” and “Jewelry Central” — and says he is now breaking even, almost two months after the show’s premiere. “Cannabis Planet” focuses on medical, agricultural and industrial uses of the hemp plant, purposely ignoring marijuana’s recreational aspects. Viewers, for instance, see very little actual smoking, even though the hosts and producers are known to inhale between takes. “We’re walking on eggshells here, to be honest,” Mr. Lane said.
Still, “Cannabis Planet” remains on the air — with not a single complaint from viewers, according to the station. “It’s really blown up,” said Jay Peterson, a production executive at Original Productions, which is working with Blue Dream Media to create a reality show set at a pot collective, or distribution center, in Hollywood. The show, “Top Bud,” is envisioned as a cross between “LA Ink,” the TLC show produced by Original about a lively tattoo parlor, and “Weeds,” the Showtime hit drama about a dope-dealing mother of two.
“While the drug is illegal in most states, the idea is to show that there’s a world somewhere where it’s legal, and where people are doing this,” Mr. Peterson said.
The producers are now trying to sell “Top Bud” to networks. Mr. Peterson acknowledged there was some hesitancy at first but said his company already had “solid interest.”
Click on title for full story.....
The Results Are In -- Medical Marijuana Works
"There's no proof that medical marijuana works. It needs more study. There's only anecdotal evidence. It doesn't treat specific conditions. People just want to get high." Every cannabis advocate and medical marijuana patient has run into these arguments, threadbare as they are in 2009. Even from professionals who should know better -- such as many medical doctors -- the same tired arguments come up again and again.
As baffling as it may be, just listening to the patients (what a concept!) isn't considered "proof" by the medical establishment, which considers such evidence interesting, but "merely" anecdotal.
But after a new groundbreaking round-up clinical evidence for the efficacy of medical pot, however, such misconceptions are going to be a lot easier to shoot down.
In the landmark article, published in the Journal of Opioid Management, University of Washington researcher Sunil Aggarwal and colleagues document no fewer than 33 controlled clinical trials -- published over a 38-year period from 1971 to 2009 -- confirming that marijuana is a safe, effective medicine for specific medical conditions.
"The most common misconception among doctors and the general public regarding medical marijuana is that its effectiveness claims are substantiated only by compelling anecdotes from patients," Aggarwal told SF Weekly. "What is not acknowledged is that 33 separate controlled clinical trials with patients - at least a third of which are of gold standard design - have been conducted and published in the United States by investigators at major research centers using the same federal cannabis supply and mode of delivery.
"In fact," Aggarwal and colleagues write, "nearly all of the 33 published controlled clinical trials conducted in the United States have shown significant and measurable benefits in subjects receiving the treatment."
Additionally, the article documents the growing acceptance of the therapeutic use of marijuana among organized medicine groups. More than 7,000 American physicians (in the 13 states where medical marijuana is legal) have signed medical marijuana authorizations for a total of 400,000 patients, according to Aggarwal and colleagues.
Notably absent from medical marijuana patients in the published trials -- and in glaring contrast to opiate drugs -- are withdrawal symptoms and other signs of drug dependence. Adverse effects were relatively rare, and "the vast majority of reported adverse effects were not serious... It is clear that as an analgesic, cannabis is extremely safe with minimal toxicity."
Unfortunately, ignorance regarding marijuana still remains widespread, even in the medical community, according to the article. "There remains a near complete absence of education about cannabinoid medicine in any level of medical training," Aggarwal writes.
"This is arguably the most thorough review of the literature on medical marijuana since the Institute of Medicine report over a decade ago, with a trove of data that wasn't available to the IOM," said Rob Kampia, executive director of the Marijuana Policy Project, which works for legalization. "It is simply incomprehensible that a medicine that is so clearly safe and effective remains banned from medical use by federal law and the laws of 37 states."
Under current federal law, marijuana is classified as a Schedule I drug, defining it as having high potential for abuse, unsafe for use even under medical supervision, and lacking currently accepted uses in the U.S.
Click on title for link to story.......
As baffling as it may be, just listening to the patients (what a concept!) isn't considered "proof" by the medical establishment, which considers such evidence interesting, but "merely" anecdotal.
But after a new groundbreaking round-up clinical evidence for the efficacy of medical pot, however, such misconceptions are going to be a lot easier to shoot down.
In the landmark article, published in the Journal of Opioid Management, University of Washington researcher Sunil Aggarwal and colleagues document no fewer than 33 controlled clinical trials -- published over a 38-year period from 1971 to 2009 -- confirming that marijuana is a safe, effective medicine for specific medical conditions.
"The most common misconception among doctors and the general public regarding medical marijuana is that its effectiveness claims are substantiated only by compelling anecdotes from patients," Aggarwal told SF Weekly. "What is not acknowledged is that 33 separate controlled clinical trials with patients - at least a third of which are of gold standard design - have been conducted and published in the United States by investigators at major research centers using the same federal cannabis supply and mode of delivery.
"In fact," Aggarwal and colleagues write, "nearly all of the 33 published controlled clinical trials conducted in the United States have shown significant and measurable benefits in subjects receiving the treatment."
Additionally, the article documents the growing acceptance of the therapeutic use of marijuana among organized medicine groups. More than 7,000 American physicians (in the 13 states where medical marijuana is legal) have signed medical marijuana authorizations for a total of 400,000 patients, according to Aggarwal and colleagues.
Notably absent from medical marijuana patients in the published trials -- and in glaring contrast to opiate drugs -- are withdrawal symptoms and other signs of drug dependence. Adverse effects were relatively rare, and "the vast majority of reported adverse effects were not serious... It is clear that as an analgesic, cannabis is extremely safe with minimal toxicity."
Unfortunately, ignorance regarding marijuana still remains widespread, even in the medical community, according to the article. "There remains a near complete absence of education about cannabinoid medicine in any level of medical training," Aggarwal writes.
"This is arguably the most thorough review of the literature on medical marijuana since the Institute of Medicine report over a decade ago, with a trove of data that wasn't available to the IOM," said Rob Kampia, executive director of the Marijuana Policy Project, which works for legalization. "It is simply incomprehensible that a medicine that is so clearly safe and effective remains banned from medical use by federal law and the laws of 37 states."
Under current federal law, marijuana is classified as a Schedule I drug, defining it as having high potential for abuse, unsafe for use even under medical supervision, and lacking currently accepted uses in the U.S.
Click on title for link to story.......
WAMMfest Asks for Smoking Exception, Again
Santa Cruz — Santa Cruz leaders should decide Sept. 22 whether to lift the city’s smoking ban in San Lorenzo Park for the third year in a row and allow medical marijuana patients to smoke in designated tents during the annual WAMMfest celebration.
The decision comes two weeks after the City Council passed sweeping no-smoking bans for the entire city, including Pacific Avenue, Beach Street, Santa Cruz Municipal Wharf and all city parks. Some parks, including San Lorenzo, already were off-limits to smoking.
WAMM’s request includes permission to errect a special tent to accommodate members of its nonprofit collective — many of whom are terminally ill — if they need to light up during the event. Another tent would be available to medical marijuana patients with proper patient identification.
“We just hope to have a great time in the park,” said Valerie Corral, co-founder of Wo/Men’s Alliance for Medical Marijuana, which sponsors the annual WAMMfest. “Create a day where there’s low stress and fun for people.”
However, Corral acknowledged the group is rebounding from last year’s event, where city leaders nearly denied WAMM’s request for an exception to the smoking ban as the festival has a reputation for attracting out-of-town visitors who spoke pot recreationally on the park’s expansive lawn. In addition, after the event a child-care provider for WAMMfest was identified as a registered sex offender. Corral said WAMM has vowed those problems won’t happen again.
Meanwhile, some city leaders are noncommittal on whether they would grant a third exception. Last year the council first split the vote on whether to grant a similar request, as one member was out sick and others said they supported the cause, but not the venue. After much discussion WAMM’s request was granted the following week.
This year, “we’re going to have to make sure they reduce their impact of secondhand smoke as much as everyone else,” Councilman Ryan Coonerty said. “The law was meant to cover all secondhand smoke, and secondhand smoke at WAMMfest is part of it.”
WAMMfest also pits two of Santa Cruz’s competing values against each other, as Council members two weeks ago unanimously approved expanding no-smoking rules to overwhelming public approval. But seven years ago Santa Cruz allowed WAMM to hand out medical marijuana on City Hall steps after federal drug enforcement agents raided their North Coast farm, and voters in 2006 directed police to make marijuana enforcement their lowest priority.
Police at last year’s event said they had no problems, and WAMM provided its own security. Corral said the group will do the same this year. Police spokesman Zach Friend said on Monday that his department does not plan to increase patrols for WAMMfest.
Click on title for story link.
The decision comes two weeks after the City Council passed sweeping no-smoking bans for the entire city, including Pacific Avenue, Beach Street, Santa Cruz Municipal Wharf and all city parks. Some parks, including San Lorenzo, already were off-limits to smoking.
WAMM’s request includes permission to errect a special tent to accommodate members of its nonprofit collective — many of whom are terminally ill — if they need to light up during the event. Another tent would be available to medical marijuana patients with proper patient identification.
“We just hope to have a great time in the park,” said Valerie Corral, co-founder of Wo/Men’s Alliance for Medical Marijuana, which sponsors the annual WAMMfest. “Create a day where there’s low stress and fun for people.”
However, Corral acknowledged the group is rebounding from last year’s event, where city leaders nearly denied WAMM’s request for an exception to the smoking ban as the festival has a reputation for attracting out-of-town visitors who spoke pot recreationally on the park’s expansive lawn. In addition, after the event a child-care provider for WAMMfest was identified as a registered sex offender. Corral said WAMM has vowed those problems won’t happen again.
Meanwhile, some city leaders are noncommittal on whether they would grant a third exception. Last year the council first split the vote on whether to grant a similar request, as one member was out sick and others said they supported the cause, but not the venue. After much discussion WAMM’s request was granted the following week.
This year, “we’re going to have to make sure they reduce their impact of secondhand smoke as much as everyone else,” Councilman Ryan Coonerty said. “The law was meant to cover all secondhand smoke, and secondhand smoke at WAMMfest is part of it.”
WAMMfest also pits two of Santa Cruz’s competing values against each other, as Council members two weeks ago unanimously approved expanding no-smoking rules to overwhelming public approval. But seven years ago Santa Cruz allowed WAMM to hand out medical marijuana on City Hall steps after federal drug enforcement agents raided their North Coast farm, and voters in 2006 directed police to make marijuana enforcement their lowest priority.
Police at last year’s event said they had no problems, and WAMM provided its own security. Corral said the group will do the same this year. Police spokesman Zach Friend said on Monday that his department does not plan to increase patrols for WAMMfest.
Click on title for story link.
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Medical Marijuana Raids, But No Answers Yet
The District Attorney's Office is expected to announce the results of the undercover operation at 10 a.m.
More than a dozen medical marijuana dispensaries were raided in a chaotic scene Wednesday. Authorities scheduled a 10 a.m. press conference today to announce the results of an undercover operation -- but would give no further details on the raids until then.
“Help me, help me, I am being arrested,” one man said as he was handcuffed in his wheelchair at Hillcrest Compassion Care. One-by-one employees of the medical marijuana dispensary were arrested. “Help me up, I need help. My leg is busted, I need help,” another man said as he was arrested. At least four people were taken into custody, according to volunteers.
“The police came in and raided us and told us to get our hands up, pushed us against the wall, started handcuffing people. All they said was that they had a search warrant, but they didn't tell us what is was for,” Sara Sanders said.
There were more arrests at another raid in Pacific Beach at 929A on Turquoise Street and boxes of evidence were confiscated.
At the same time, law enforcement stormed Nature's in Linda Vista. Witnesses said that officers had guns drawn and bashed the door in.
"They put me against the wall, and did a search. I ended up cuffed before they even checked my bag and I am a med patient with a legal card. So, I felt like I was harassed by being cuffed," medical marijuana patient Stacey Gant said.
Volunteers say the raids are unnecessary and that they are abiding by the law. “We have a lot of patients that are ailing and they need medicine and that’s what we are here for, doing this, doing the right thing by what the voters of San Diego, California decided on,” marijuana dispensary volunteer Booker Sanders Jr. said.
More than a dozen medical marijuana dispensaries were raided in a chaotic scene Wednesday. Authorities scheduled a 10 a.m. press conference today to announce the results of an undercover operation -- but would give no further details on the raids until then.
“Help me, help me, I am being arrested,” one man said as he was handcuffed in his wheelchair at Hillcrest Compassion Care. One-by-one employees of the medical marijuana dispensary were arrested. “Help me up, I need help. My leg is busted, I need help,” another man said as he was arrested. At least four people were taken into custody, according to volunteers.
“The police came in and raided us and told us to get our hands up, pushed us against the wall, started handcuffing people. All they said was that they had a search warrant, but they didn't tell us what is was for,” Sara Sanders said.
There were more arrests at another raid in Pacific Beach at 929A on Turquoise Street and boxes of evidence were confiscated.
At the same time, law enforcement stormed Nature's in Linda Vista. Witnesses said that officers had guns drawn and bashed the door in.
"They put me against the wall, and did a search. I ended up cuffed before they even checked my bag and I am a med patient with a legal card. So, I felt like I was harassed by being cuffed," medical marijuana patient Stacey Gant said.
Volunteers say the raids are unnecessary and that they are abiding by the law. “We have a lot of patients that are ailing and they need medicine and that’s what we are here for, doing this, doing the right thing by what the voters of San Diego, California decided on,” marijuana dispensary volunteer Booker Sanders Jr. said.
More local raids on California medical marijuana providers
Several San Diego-area medical marijuana collectives were raided today in a county-wide sweep apparently coordinated by the district attorney’s office. It’s unclear at this time whether or not any arrests have been made or exactly what — if any — state law violations are being alleged in these cases.
Given San Diego County District Attorney Bonnie Dumanis’ dismal record of circumventing California’s medical marijuana laws and prosecuting patients, this recent action is unfortunately not very surprising. MPP is continuing to keep a close watch on the situation in San Diego; we’ll provide an update if more relevant information becomes available.
Several San Diego-area medical marijuana collectives were raided today in a county-wide sweep apparently coordinated by the district attorney’s office. It’s unclear at this time whether or not any arrests have been made or exactly what — if any — state law violations are being alleged in these cases.
Given San Diego County District Attorney Bonnie Dumanis’ dismal record of circumventing California’s medical marijuana laws and prosecuting patients, this recent action is unfortunately not very surprising. MPP is continuing to keep a close watch on the situation in San Diego; we’ll provide an update if more relevant information becomes available.
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
LA Times Editorial on Federal Marijuana Research
Kudos to the Los Angeles Times for publishing an editorial on medical marijuana that gets at the heart of the federal obstruction of meaningful research into one of the most promising therapeutic substances.
Despite a press release recently issued by Americans for Safe Access on the federal solicitation of proposals for the production and distribution of medical marijuana, and a report published in April highlighting the government’s monopoly on marijuana research, mainstream media coverage has been scant.
For more than 40 years, the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) has awarded an exclusive contract to the University of Mississippi to produce and distribute marijuana for research purposes. And, although several studies in the United States have amply illustrated the medical efficacy of marijuana, the National Institute on Drug Abuse has funded most studies, favoring a focus on the supposed negative effects of marijuana. Because of a general resistance by the federal government to better understanding the medical benefits of marijuana, numerous countries have surpassed the United States on this issue.
Pointing out the government’s charade of competitive applications for the production and distribution of research grade marijuana, the Times recognized that the “rigged contest has successfully thwarted meaningful academic inquiry into marijuana’s medicinal value.”
Perhaps more importantly, the Times discerned that, “Even if the university were running a perfect program, one institution cannot fulfill the country’s research needs.” And, the Times is not alone in reaching that conclusion. The DEA’s own Administrative Law Judge ruled in 2007 that the marijuana produced by the University of Mississippi was of insufficient quality and quantity for research purposes.
By issuing a public request for applications, the government can feign a position of fairness and impartiality with respect to medical marijuana research. But, the Times rightly concluded that:
Merely shifting the contract from one institution to another, however, won’t change the status quo. That will only happen when the federal government changes policy and awards multiple contracts for this important research.
Let’s hope that editorials such as this one place the requisite pressure on the DEA and the federal government to break the monopoly on the supply of research marijuana and bring to bear the importance of better understanding all of the therapeutic benefits of marijuana.
click on title for full story.
Despite a press release recently issued by Americans for Safe Access on the federal solicitation of proposals for the production and distribution of medical marijuana, and a report published in April highlighting the government’s monopoly on marijuana research, mainstream media coverage has been scant.
For more than 40 years, the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) has awarded an exclusive contract to the University of Mississippi to produce and distribute marijuana for research purposes. And, although several studies in the United States have amply illustrated the medical efficacy of marijuana, the National Institute on Drug Abuse has funded most studies, favoring a focus on the supposed negative effects of marijuana. Because of a general resistance by the federal government to better understanding the medical benefits of marijuana, numerous countries have surpassed the United States on this issue.
Pointing out the government’s charade of competitive applications for the production and distribution of research grade marijuana, the Times recognized that the “rigged contest has successfully thwarted meaningful academic inquiry into marijuana’s medicinal value.”
Perhaps more importantly, the Times discerned that, “Even if the university were running a perfect program, one institution cannot fulfill the country’s research needs.” And, the Times is not alone in reaching that conclusion. The DEA’s own Administrative Law Judge ruled in 2007 that the marijuana produced by the University of Mississippi was of insufficient quality and quantity for research purposes.
By issuing a public request for applications, the government can feign a position of fairness and impartiality with respect to medical marijuana research. But, the Times rightly concluded that:
Merely shifting the contract from one institution to another, however, won’t change the status quo. That will only happen when the federal government changes policy and awards multiple contracts for this important research.
Let’s hope that editorials such as this one place the requisite pressure on the DEA and the federal government to break the monopoly on the supply of research marijuana and bring to bear the importance of better understanding all of the therapeutic benefits of marijuana.
click on title for full story.
Reefer-A-Friend is Master Agent for Medical Marijuana Inc.'s Tax Remittance Card In SF
Medical Marijuana Inc.'s master agent Reefer-A-Friend is offering the new patented tax management system to all medical marijuana dispensaries, collectives, co-ops, and delivery services. They claim that now you don’t have to worry about raids or local officials anymore.
Currently in in the BETA phase, the master agent has 6 more FREE set-ups to provide for interested parties. The system manages the accountants and directs the appropriate fees to the designated agency accounts, making compliance a breeze. The dispensary can have an image of their store or business logo on the front of the card, to promote customer loyalty.
(Click on title for link to site)
For more details please e-mail:, or visit the website at:, or call Brett at (650)290-0789.
Currently in in the BETA phase, the master agent has 6 more FREE set-ups to provide for interested parties. The system manages the accountants and directs the appropriate fees to the designated agency accounts, making compliance a breeze. The dispensary can have an image of their store or business logo on the front of the card, to promote customer loyalty.
(Click on title for link to site)
For more details please e-mail:, or visit the website at:, or call Brett at (650)290-0789.
Medical marijuana good for kids with ADD & ADHD - video
Dr. Claudia Jensen of the University of Southern California recommends medical marijuana for children with ADD and ADHD. It is a life debilitating condition for a lot of children who have an inability to focus and a short attention span. The most commonly perscribed drug is Ritalin, which has many known side effects including death. What is the best way to administer cannabinoids to children? In a cookie or on a piece of toast with cannabis peanut butter.
Click on title for full story.
Click on title for full story.
Cannabis Health Fair Saturday, Sept. 12, 2009 University of Colorado, Boulder, CO
The Cannabis Health Fair is a full-day patient outreach event designed to answer all your questions about cannabis as medicine and how to become a legal patient in Colorado. Cannabis has been used safely for over 10,000 years as medicine by humans. It is only in the last 70 years that citizens have not been able to enjoy the benefits of cannabis and the many conditions it treats. The Cannabis Health Fair is designed to educate people on the best ways to legally take advantage of this wonderful plant for the treatment of many symptoms and diseases.
Date: Saturday, September 12, 2009
Time: 10:30 am to 4:00 PM
Location: University of Colorado, Boulder, CO
Date: Saturday, September 12, 2009
Time: 10:30 am to 4:00 PM
Location: University of Colorado, Boulder, CO
Medical marijuana ban extended
CHULA VISTA — The moratorium on medical marijuana dispensaries that was set to expire on September 9, 2009, has been extended for 10 months while city officials monitor a related appellate court case, study information they have gathered and decide how or whether to regulate pot collectives.
City officials said they need more time to figure out how to regulate medical marijuana dispensaries because there are no ordinances that govern them now.
(Click on title for full story)
This story is a classic case of the "out-of-the-box" issue of Medical Marijuana. Has the allowance of dispensaries created a situation of putting the "cart before the horse"? What I find funny is the response by the City Counselman, Rudy Ramirez. I wonder if he intended this pun when he stated, “I don’t feel a burning need to move forward on this quickly. I feel it would be better to let other jurisdictions move quickly on this.”
Is this what they are all waiting for? No one wants to be the first to step out of the box and suggest a place to begin. If they just do something, then they will know what works and doesn't work.
City officials said they need more time to figure out how to regulate medical marijuana dispensaries because there are no ordinances that govern them now.
(Click on title for full story)
This story is a classic case of the "out-of-the-box" issue of Medical Marijuana. Has the allowance of dispensaries created a situation of putting the "cart before the horse"? What I find funny is the response by the City Counselman, Rudy Ramirez. I wonder if he intended this pun when he stated, “I don’t feel a burning need to move forward on this quickly. I feel it would be better to let other jurisdictions move quickly on this.”
Is this what they are all waiting for? No one wants to be the first to step out of the box and suggest a place to begin. If they just do something, then they will know what works and doesn't work.
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Medical Marijuana Inc. May Assist Collectives to Keep Within the Guidelines
Medical Marijuana, Inc. (PINKSHEETS: MJNA) offers tracking and management solutions that keep collectives within the boundaries of CA Proposition 215 and SB 420 in regard to supply side and distribution.
According to The Metropolitan News-Enterprise, on August 18, 2009, California's Fourth District Court of Appeals reinstated felony charges against Stacy Hochanadel, John Campbell and John Bednar, the operators of CannaHelp, a medical marijuana dispensary located in Riverside County, CA.
The decision that a Superior Court judge erred in ruling that CannaHelp was a "primary caregiver" under Proposition 215 gave prosecutors a new opportunity to convict the defendants.
Judge Gilbert Nares explained that it is not sufficient for a person or entity to be designated a primary caregiver by an authorized medical marijuana user. There must be an independent relationship between the parties aside from and preceding the supplying of medical marijuana. "There is no evidence that CannaHelp or the defendants had such a relationship with the customers who purchased marijuana from them," Nares wrote. "A storefront dispensary that merely provides walk-in customers with medical marijuana does not provide the type of 'consistent' relationship necessary to achieve primary caregiver status."
A collective, Nares explained, cannot operate for profit and cannot sell marijuana obtained from other than its own membership. And, he continued, the fact that CannaHelp operated on a cash-only basis gave detectives the probable cause to believe that CannaHelp was a criminal enterprise.
Click on title for full story....
According to The Metropolitan News-Enterprise, on August 18, 2009, California's Fourth District Court of Appeals reinstated felony charges against Stacy Hochanadel, John Campbell and John Bednar, the operators of CannaHelp, a medical marijuana dispensary located in Riverside County, CA.
The decision that a Superior Court judge erred in ruling that CannaHelp was a "primary caregiver" under Proposition 215 gave prosecutors a new opportunity to convict the defendants.
Judge Gilbert Nares explained that it is not sufficient for a person or entity to be designated a primary caregiver by an authorized medical marijuana user. There must be an independent relationship between the parties aside from and preceding the supplying of medical marijuana. "There is no evidence that CannaHelp or the defendants had such a relationship with the customers who purchased marijuana from them," Nares wrote. "A storefront dispensary that merely provides walk-in customers with medical marijuana does not provide the type of 'consistent' relationship necessary to achieve primary caregiver status."
A collective, Nares explained, cannot operate for profit and cannot sell marijuana obtained from other than its own membership. And, he continued, the fact that CannaHelp operated on a cash-only basis gave detectives the probable cause to believe that CannaHelp was a criminal enterprise.
Click on title for full story....
51% Rate Alcohol More Dangerous Than Marijuana
Do American alcoholics have more freedom and better representation in this democracy than the elderly and chronically ill who suffer severely and need medical marijuana?
51% Rate Alcohol More Dangerous Than Marijuana
19% disagree and say pot is worse.
But 25% say both are equally dangerous. Just two percent (2%) say neither is dangerous.
Those are the findings of the most recent Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey. click here to read the report
Try this search on Google News "alcohol legislation." Up comes everything from retail sales to taxation to Breathalyzer testing to online sales regulation to drunk driving. But it appears that nobody is trying to introduce alcohol prohibition. If they were it would be hard to hide it from Google!
51% Rate Alcohol More Dangerous Than Marijuana
19% disagree and say pot is worse.
But 25% say both are equally dangerous. Just two percent (2%) say neither is dangerous.
Those are the findings of the most recent Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey. click here to read the report
Try this search on Google News "alcohol legislation." Up comes everything from retail sales to taxation to Breathalyzer testing to online sales regulation to drunk driving. But it appears that nobody is trying to introduce alcohol prohibition. If they were it would be hard to hide it from Google!
MARIJUANA AS MEDICINE: Legal process requires paperwork, overcoming physician resistance
Medical Marijuana subject hits Las Vegas
The debate over the legalization of marijuana in Nevada overlooks one significant detail: It's already legal.
An estimated 1,530 Nevadans have obtained permission to lawfully possess and use pot since NRS-453A was signed into law in 2001, according to the Nevada State Health Division. (Nevada is one of 13 states with a medical marijuana program.)
Click on title to read full story. ...
The debate over the legalization of marijuana in Nevada overlooks one significant detail: It's already legal.
An estimated 1,530 Nevadans have obtained permission to lawfully possess and use pot since NRS-453A was signed into law in 2001, according to the Nevada State Health Division. (Nevada is one of 13 states with a medical marijuana program.)
Click on title to read full story. ...
Marijuana Moving into the Mainstream
(Marijuana has had a prominent place in LA discussion lately because of the City’s issues with Medical Marijuana Dispensaries. The MMD has spawned discussion of legalizing and taxing marijuana. This LA Times report suggests that pot my be a much more accepted part of American life than some of us may be aware.)
In June, an estimated 25,000 people attended the inaugural THC Expo hemp and art show in downtown Los Angeles, an event that pumped hundreds of thousands of dollars into the local economy -- including a $22,400 payment directly to the city of Los Angeles for use of its convention center. Barneys New York in Beverly Hills is celebrating the Woodstock spirit by selling $78 "Hashish" candles in Jonathan Adler pots with bas-relief marijuana leaves; Hickey offers $75 linen pocket squares or $120custom polo shirts bearing the five-part leaf; and French designer Lucien Pellat-Finet is serving up white-gold and diamond custom pot-leaf-emblazoned wristwatches for $49,000 and belt buckles for $56,000.
After decades of bubbling up around the edges of so-called civilized society, marijuana seems to be marching mainstream at a fairly rapid pace. At least in urban areas such as Los Angeles, cannabis culture is coming out of the closet.
In June, an estimated 25,000 people attended the inaugural THC Expo hemp and art show in downtown Los Angeles, an event that pumped hundreds of thousands of dollars into the local economy -- including a $22,400 payment directly to the city of Los Angeles for use of its convention center. Barneys New York in Beverly Hills is celebrating the Woodstock spirit by selling $78 "Hashish" candles in Jonathan Adler pots with bas-relief marijuana leaves; Hickey offers $75 linen pocket squares or $120custom polo shirts bearing the five-part leaf; and French designer Lucien Pellat-Finet is serving up white-gold and diamond custom pot-leaf-emblazoned wristwatches for $49,000 and belt buckles for $56,000.
After decades of bubbling up around the edges of so-called civilized society, marijuana seems to be marching mainstream at a fairly rapid pace. At least in urban areas such as Los Angeles, cannabis culture is coming out of the closet.
The One Essential Article on Medical Marijuana
We’ve all heard the claims before – from federal officials, police groups opposing state medical marijuana bills, etc. – that there is no evidence that marijuana is a legitimate medicine. Readers of this blog know that’s nonsense, but there’s been a need for an article in the peer-reviewed scientific literature that lays out the scientific case in a clear, tightly-focused way.
Recently, a group of scientists published a review article in the Journal of Opioid Management that does just that. The article, “Medicinal Use of Cannabis in the United States: Historical Perspectives, Current Trends, and Future Directions,” is one every medical marijuana activist should keep handy.
The authors, led by Sunil Aggarwal of the University of Washington, walk readers through the massive body of medical evidence for marijuana’s safety and efficacy, including “the 33 completed and published American controlled clinical trials with cannabis.” They note that “nearly all of the 33 published controlled clinical trials with cannabis conducted in the United States have shown significant and measurable benefits in subjects receiving the treatment.”
They also point out that the federal government has conducted only one long-term study of medical marijuana, the IND program that still provides marijuana to four patients. But it’s a study in name only, as “no clinical response data in the patient cohort have ever been systematically collected or disseminated.”
Translation: If officials don’t know that marijuana is a safe, effective medicine, it’s because they don’t want to know.
Recently, a group of scientists published a review article in the Journal of Opioid Management that does just that. The article, “Medicinal Use of Cannabis in the United States: Historical Perspectives, Current Trends, and Future Directions,” is one every medical marijuana activist should keep handy.
The authors, led by Sunil Aggarwal of the University of Washington, walk readers through the massive body of medical evidence for marijuana’s safety and efficacy, including “the 33 completed and published American controlled clinical trials with cannabis.” They note that “nearly all of the 33 published controlled clinical trials with cannabis conducted in the United States have shown significant and measurable benefits in subjects receiving the treatment.”
They also point out that the federal government has conducted only one long-term study of medical marijuana, the IND program that still provides marijuana to four patients. But it’s a study in name only, as “no clinical response data in the patient cohort have ever been systematically collected or disseminated.”
Translation: If officials don’t know that marijuana is a safe, effective medicine, it’s because they don’t want to know.
Medical Cannabis Management Off to a Fast Start
CARDIFF, Calif., Aug. 31 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- Rapid Fire Marketing (Pink
Sheets: RFMK) d.b.a. Medical Cannabis Management (MCM)
( ) announced today that the first few
weeks have been very successful with regards to new dispensary management
leads as well as connecting with significant organizations for collaborative
ventures. Proposition 215, passed in November of 1996 makes medical cannabis
legal in the state of California and is being considered in other states. MCM
is in the business of providing full service marketing, consulting and
management services to this newly emerged industry, which includes medical
doctors and cannabis dispensaries.
Many of the businesses MCM is seeking to manage are run by small business
entrepreneurs. MCM's plan is to integrate tailored management services with
dispensaries as well as helping physicians with marketing and office space to
manage increasing patient loads. Rapid Fire Marketing will announce a name
change in the near future to better reflect the new business model. A new
website has been posted at
For full story click title....
Sheets: RFMK) d.b.a. Medical Cannabis Management (MCM)
( ) announced today that the first few
weeks have been very successful with regards to new dispensary management
leads as well as connecting with significant organizations for collaborative
ventures. Proposition 215, passed in November of 1996 makes medical cannabis
legal in the state of California and is being considered in other states. MCM
is in the business of providing full service marketing, consulting and
management services to this newly emerged industry, which includes medical
doctors and cannabis dispensaries.
Many of the businesses MCM is seeking to manage are run by small business
entrepreneurs. MCM's plan is to integrate tailored management services with
dispensaries as well as helping physicians with marketing and office space to
manage increasing patient loads. Rapid Fire Marketing will announce a name
change in the near future to better reflect the new business model. A new
website has been posted at
For full story click title....
Colorado’s Marijuana Economy: An Explosion of Ganjapreneurship
What can only be rightly described as an explosion of ganjapreneurship is currently underway in Colorado, sparked by the Obama Administration’s new policy announcement in February, which directed federal agencies to defer to state law enforcement on the issue of medical marijuana.
Medical marijuana has been technically legal in Colorado since 2000, when residents voted to add Amendment 20 to the state’s constitution. The Bush Administration, however, always maintained a rigid stance that federal anti-drug laws took precedence over state rights. Regular DEA raids on medical marijuana distributors in states that legally permit such commerce effectively intimidated citizens who would have otherwise officially registered as patients or caregivers.
At the beginning of this year, only 2000 people had applied for Colorado’s Medical Marijuana Registry since the system was established on 2001. In the past six months, the registry has grown to nearly 10,000. The registry card is actually optional under Colorado law–a doctor’s note is sufficient–so it’s difficult to determine the precise number of medicinal users. About thirty dispensaries currently operate to provide verified patients with locally-grown kind bud, up from just a handful in previous years. And the number of dispensaries is expected to double to 60 by the end of 2009.
click on title for full story.........
Medical marijuana has been technically legal in Colorado since 2000, when residents voted to add Amendment 20 to the state’s constitution. The Bush Administration, however, always maintained a rigid stance that federal anti-drug laws took precedence over state rights. Regular DEA raids on medical marijuana distributors in states that legally permit such commerce effectively intimidated citizens who would have otherwise officially registered as patients or caregivers.
At the beginning of this year, only 2000 people had applied for Colorado’s Medical Marijuana Registry since the system was established on 2001. In the past six months, the registry has grown to nearly 10,000. The registry card is actually optional under Colorado law–a doctor’s note is sufficient–so it’s difficult to determine the precise number of medicinal users. About thirty dispensaries currently operate to provide verified patients with locally-grown kind bud, up from just a handful in previous years. And the number of dispensaries is expected to double to 60 by the end of 2009.
click on title for full story.........
Medical Marijuana, Inc. Signed 5 More Collectives - Total of 28 In 5 States & 2 Countries
MARINA DEL REY, CA--(Marketwire – September 1st, 2009) - Medical Marijuana, Inc. (OTC: MJNA) expands further by signing VM Enterprises in Woodbridge, NJ; Medical Cannabis Management in Cardiff, CA; Sacred Herb Cooperative in Newport, MI; Morning Star Collective in Detroit, MI and the first in the State of Washington, Botanical Urban Dispensary in Everett, WA. These collectives will be using the tax remittance system developed by MJNA, showing their intent to comply with proper business practices regarding tax remittance to the proper agencies. These collectives will be in full compliance with one of the most crucial aspects of proper distribution of Medical Marijuana.
Medical Marijuana, Inc. is the first public company to recognize the vast and unequaled opportunities that exist in the rapidly expanding Medical Marijuana market. The scientific recognition of marijuana as a powerful medicine has brought marijuana to a new status, and opened the door for new investment opportunities.
Tax Collection
The Stored Value Platform System will provide verifiable solutions to manage the task of revenue and taxation collection. The "Point of Sale" (POS) system will recognize the dispensary's tax ID number, state and local tax rates and then provide "Automated Clearing House" (ACH) settlement of the taxes to the proper financial institutions. The access to certifiably secure transactions lessens the risk of loss at each level of the transaction.
Internal Management
All collectives/dispensaries in the U.S. are cash businesses, which present various challenges, such as risk of theft for Dispensary owners and risks of carrying cash. Customers are issued a debit card or medical revenue card for use at the dispensaries. The POS system can even monitor multiple locations.
Medical Marijuana, Inc is developing a suite of solutions and tools for the Medical Marijuana Industry that will enable efficient tax compliance and business management, delivered in a secure (patent pending) infrastructure.
For further details on Medical Marijuana, Inc. contact:
Medical Marijuana, Inc. is the first public company to recognize the vast and unequaled opportunities that exist in the rapidly expanding Medical Marijuana market. The scientific recognition of marijuana as a powerful medicine has brought marijuana to a new status, and opened the door for new investment opportunities.
Tax Collection
The Stored Value Platform System will provide verifiable solutions to manage the task of revenue and taxation collection. The "Point of Sale" (POS) system will recognize the dispensary's tax ID number, state and local tax rates and then provide "Automated Clearing House" (ACH) settlement of the taxes to the proper financial institutions. The access to certifiably secure transactions lessens the risk of loss at each level of the transaction.
Internal Management
All collectives/dispensaries in the U.S. are cash businesses, which present various challenges, such as risk of theft for Dispensary owners and risks of carrying cash. Customers are issued a debit card or medical revenue card for use at the dispensaries. The POS system can even monitor multiple locations.
Medical Marijuana, Inc is developing a suite of solutions and tools for the Medical Marijuana Industry that will enable efficient tax compliance and business management, delivered in a secure (patent pending) infrastructure.
For further details on Medical Marijuana, Inc. contact:

Switzerland backs the legalisation of cannabis
Four federal parties have rallied in support of an initiative to replace a ban on cannabis use for adults, while strictly enforcing its prohibition for those under 18.
Swiss voters are set to vote on the issue, rejected by parliament four years ago, in a November 2008 referendum.
A coalition of federal Swiss political parties of various stripes has renewed a bid to decriminalize marijuana in the country. Elected members of the Radical, Christian Democrat, Socialist and Green parties endorsed an initiative that would regulate cannabis use while making it illegal for children under the of 18.
The initiative is scheduled to be voted on by Swiss voters on Nov. 30. The parties have urged people to say yes to the proposal. Members in Bern said the initiative offers a “reasonable policy” governing the use of marijuana that is preferable to the current prohibition.
Swiss voters are set to vote on the issue, rejected by parliament four years ago, in a November 2008 referendum.
A coalition of federal Swiss political parties of various stripes has renewed a bid to decriminalize marijuana in the country. Elected members of the Radical, Christian Democrat, Socialist and Green parties endorsed an initiative that would regulate cannabis use while making it illegal for children under the of 18.
The initiative is scheduled to be voted on by Swiss voters on Nov. 30. The parties have urged people to say yes to the proposal. Members in Bern said the initiative offers a “reasonable policy” governing the use of marijuana that is preferable to the current prohibition.
New Mexico’s One Medical Marijuana Producer Is All Sold Out
According to a medical marijuana patient who has access to the secure Web site of the one nonprofit in the state producing marijuana for patients, the nonprofit has run out of its product and won’t have more available until October.
Here is the notice on the Santa Fe Institute for Natural Medicine (SFINM) Web site:
We are currently sold out of our inventory. Not knowing what members would like, our first crop was 50/50 indica dominant/sativa dominant. And although we are so sorry to run out, we now know that members prefer sativa dominant. We will try and adjust our proportions accordingly so this does not happen again. Also, please keep in mind that it takes 12-18 months for a smooth running ongoing production. This is especially tricky when it is a pilot project and mother nature is involved. We very much appreciate your patience.
Here is the notice on the Santa Fe Institute for Natural Medicine (SFINM) Web site:
We are currently sold out of our inventory. Not knowing what members would like, our first crop was 50/50 indica dominant/sativa dominant. And although we are so sorry to run out, we now know that members prefer sativa dominant. We will try and adjust our proportions accordingly so this does not happen again. Also, please keep in mind that it takes 12-18 months for a smooth running ongoing production. This is especially tricky when it is a pilot project and mother nature is involved. We very much appreciate your patience.
Pope of Pot and Desolation of Obama Nation
LOS ANGELES /California Newswire/ — President Obama promised medical marijuana patients that their cannabis collectives would be protected as long as they followed state law. That should have included another caveat too because it seems raids on cannabis dispensaries have not stopped. Beverly Hills Green Cross’ Craig X Rubin, is the creator of the on-line marijuana school, Craig X Academy, a school teaching people around the globe how to profit from California’s recent “Green Rush,” the move of thousands of people participating in the new medical marijuana economy of the Golden State. Rubin says, “Obama’s wishes are not being obeyed. The government is targeting cannabis collective owners who are speaking out against the government.”
The Web site is a lead-in page to his Academy, a marketing tool, but this tool has led to some problems for Mr. Rubin with the Los Angeles City government. The City is using his legal business, a serious business school for people wishing to profit in a sagging economy, as evidence or reasoning behind taking away his church’s operating permit.
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The Web site is a lead-in page to his Academy, a marketing tool, but this tool has led to some problems for Mr. Rubin with the Los Angeles City government. The City is using his legal business, a serious business school for people wishing to profit in a sagging economy, as evidence or reasoning behind taking away his church’s operating permit.
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